Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Chrome/Firefox/IE/Opera/Safari Password Recovery Utility / Password Revealer

It’s a good habit to enhance the security of your daily web browsing routine by creating passwords for different websites with random password generator, and it’s convenient to let your favorite web browser( FireFox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer ) to save your accounts and passwords automatically. However, you might find that you can not remember your password a few days later.

Chrome/Firefox/IE/Opera/Safari Password Recovery Utility / Password Revealer
Andrew Worcester, a web designer and developer, released a handy javascript utility which allows to reveal passwords behind the asterisk characters a month ago, it works on most major internet browsers including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Internet Explorer as well as Apple Safari.
Using the tool is deadly simple, all you have to do is just drag the link to your bookmark toolbar, then navigate to the account log in page like GMail and Yahoo Email, then hit the bookmark item on the toolbar to let it uncover the password for you.
Click the link to visit this stunning tool:

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