Muttr is a concept administrators felt would be a great addition to the world wide web as there is always something you encounter each day that just irks you. Often times, there is no real secure way of getting those things off your chest without fear of offending someone or being criticized. When this happens you’re left muttering to yourself, under your breath. Thus, this web site aims to provide that confidential and safe place to gripe or groan about all your everyday nuisances. This service stresses the confidential part immensely. Feel free to speak your mind and let it out.
This is a web site about absolutely nothing where everything that irks you comes to life. Hate your boss? Despise a co-worker? Can’t stand when those damned popcorn shells get stuck in your teeth? Groan, gripe, and complain your day away. Most importantly, Just muttr! Also, this service is available in the palm of your hand. Just join them on your mobile device now. Basically, Muttr is a web savvy way of using the word Mutter.
You are not required to register in order to submit your daily stories. However, in order to limit the amount of spam site receives, a registered account is required to leave suggestions about the site and to submit issues on the support page. Soon there will be certain features only available to registered users. These may include: Editing and deleting posts, Favoriting Muttrs, Keeping an eye on interesting conversations, and even having a full history of your Muttrs!
The process of contributing your story to the community could not be any easier. Click "Muttr Now" on the home page or "Submit your Muttr" in the navigation menu at the top of the page. In the box that appears, select the category you feel is best related to your topic and write your story in a few short sentences. Then click submit. Proper grammar and punctuation is strongly recommended as it makes your post much more legible. Nobody likes a wall of incoherent text.
Once its tossed to the community, check back and see who can relate to your experience. People will comment and often times share similar experiences. Just remember, a little humor goes a long way, even if it comes at your own expense.\
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