It’s late September but the weather is mild and pleasant due to the setting of the college in a sunbathed valley in England on the coast of south Devon, warmed by the Gulf Stream. The students had arrived over the weekend, rested on Monday in the oak panelled Halls of Residence, the students being dived between the east wing and west wing. They were issued with their green cloaks, a new broomstick and a map of the College.
Their first lecture was held outside on Tuesday at
Those assembled number only the thirty-nine new students and four members of staff. This was an exclusive College, only for the star female pupils of Hogwarts and the other schools of witchcraft and wizardry.
The Principle, also known as the High Priestess was wearing a magnificent gown covered in mystical symbols. She spoke in a crystal-clear voice, something like a Shakespearian actress. She only spoke for some ten minutes but during that time she was able to quickly explain that the College was in fact an exclusive and ancient grand coven and they were in the privilege position of being its apprentices. If they had the natural ability to learn the Craft and follow the ancient ways they would be accepted into the coven for all eternity. Failure to attain this goal was not an option, the pagan world looked to them for inspiration and guidance.
He then introduced the other four tutors, all of whom were priestesses in the Sacred and Most Ancient Coven of Diana.
Hermione's eye was strangely drawn to one tutor who seemed to stand out from the rest. She was Ms Virginia Rubster. She seemed to radiate a special aura and Hermione felt herself almost floating toward her. It was only a cough from a fellow student that made her grounded again.
The students did their best not to giggle when the names of the other staff members were announced, Alison Caeus, Sophia Apple and Charity Aphrodite. They knew from experience that there would be a special meaning to their names. ‘The world laughs at the things they do not understand.’ The final words of the Principle’s address before departing the Henge rang in their ears.
The rest of the day they were left to explore the library and spacious grounds of the College. The next day would be the first real day of study.
Hermione and Ginny Weasley chatted as they walked away from the Henge.
‘What do you think the Principle meant when she said what we had learnt in the past was just silly childish games?’ questioned Ginny.
‘I don’t really know!’ advised Hermione wisely and thoughtfully.
‘But I think she might be saying that we should expect the unexpected!’ Which did little to address Ginny’s concerns.
First Lessons
The new students were issued with their timetables that evening, Hermione pinned hers to the little notice board in her snug little room and settled down for the night. She picked up her new broomstick and carefully examined it. It was superior to the one she had at school being larger and more robust. Her hands run along its smooth ash handle and Hermione noticed that its girth was more generous than her old broom, in fact she could hardly get her fingertips to touch when gripping around it. The broom was also more crafted and ornate, having a rounded shaped end with strange ribbed carving, Hermione then blushed and giggled and realised that it looked a little like a penis from her biology textbook! She then noticed the small advisory leaflet attached to warning to try any magic until instructed by a suitable person and placed it back in the corner of the room.
She rose for breakfast and joined the other students I the dining hall. Soon it was
To her amazement standing in front of the small lecture theatre was Ms Virginia Rubster! Hermione felt herself blush and gulp.
‘Why is this?’ she thought.
Ms Rubster launched into her lecture,
‘We believe that the way of practicing the Art of Magic is to be as free as possible of all moral dogma and rules, and to follow a way solely oriented to personal discovery.’ She paused.
‘Our practice aims to assimilate and then surpass the limited approaches to Magic which has hallmarked the manmade laws and traditions and shackles us to the past Magic is by its nature beyond our full comprehension, and beyond our ability to predict what direction it will often take.’
Hermione was somewhat perturbed by these sentiments.
‘…free of all moral dogma and rules..’ she pondered
‘rejecting manmade laws and traditions..’ she repeated in her mind.
The lecture continued for a good hour, full of similar ideas which seemed to the new student both outrageous and chaotic.
As she left the theatre the new radical ideas sun through Hermione’s head. She remembered what the principle had said in her address,
‘What you learnt in the past were just silly childish games…’
It was clear to her they were all going to be challenged during their time at Di’s. She tried to focus her mind and soul on preparing for mysteries unknown, and to put behind her any ideas or thoughts that might impinge the opening her inner-self and whole being to the future and enlightenment.
The days passed by with various lectures and much time spent in the library and the apocrypha’s garden, seeking to learn the properties of the various herbs used in magic potions. To Hermione these activities all seemed dull and boring compared to the lecture by Ms Rubster. She found herself even dreaming of her favourite tutor and felt her heart race whenever she spied her. Today she would be attending another of her lectures and Hermione arrived early in the theatre to get a good seat near the front of the class. The room gradually filled up.
Ms Rubster waited until all ten students were present before breezing into the room and taking her place at the lectern.
She welcomed them and then opened her mouth, Hermione waiting on every breath.
‘Wicca, the old word for witchcraft, began in pre-history as ritual associated with fire, the hunt, fertility, plant propagation, life and death and the curing of disease.’ She stated.
‘This developed into a religion which recognized a Supreme Deity, but realized that at their state of evolution, they ‘were incapable of understanding it’. Instead, they worshipped what might be termed ‘under-gods’: such as the goddess of female sexuality, Diana to give her one of her many names.’
‘Wiccan's continued their moon based worship, even as the mainly sun based faith of priests, the druids, developed and evolved into the dominant religion of the Celts in
Hermione was reminded of the persecution suffered by those the followed the old true religions but was intrigued to find out more about the goddess Dianna - the Queen of Heaven, and wanted to learn more of the old ways which had been lost due to corruption and misinterpretation.
Ms Rubster then told them that they way to further enlightenment was thorough the Great Rite. This was one of the almost lost rituals of pre-history. Through studying this ritual and rehearsing it they might become the keepers of it. They being women were the priestesses who traditionally would have lead the old pagan world. A matriarchal system rather than a patriarchal one. One in which the female figure was honoured over the masculine one.
Thus began the road to understanding which Hermione and the other specially chosen female students were to embark upon. They were to carry out their learning in a special room set aside in the north wing to which no one else would be allowed to enter. They would be free there to read, discuss, and share experiences and learning. It was here they would discover through openness the secrets of the Great Rite, practice it until perfect. Once fully converse they would then carry it out in the Henge on the Summer Solstice at midsummer’s night. This was to occur at
June was a very special month for the moon goodness as it was named in her honour - Juno the Roman Great Mother Goddess also known in ancient
Hermione went to the library and looked up the festival, to remind herself of the meaning of this special day. She found an old leather bound book entitled Old Traditions and took it from the shelf. She flicked gently through its yellowing pages and found the listing for the Solstice…
As the sun spirals its longest dance,
Cleanse us
As nature shows bounty and fertility
Bless us
Let all things live with loving intent
And to fulfill their truest destiny
Solstice, Midsummer or Litha means a stopping or standing still of the sun. It is the longest day of the year and the time when the sun is at its maximum elevation.
This date has had spiritual significance for thousands of years as humans have been amazed by the great power of the sun. The Celts celebrated with bonfires that would add to the sun’s energy.
Wiccan’s are in awe of the incredible strength of the sun and the divine powers that create life. For people of old this spoke in the Wheel of the Year is a significant point. The Goddess took over the earth from the horned God at the beginning of spring and she is now at the height of her power.
The people of old would hold small ceremonies in open spaces, everywhere from gardens to woodlands.
Hermione drank in the words and read them at least three times just to make sure she had not missed anything. She began to understand the deeper knowledge that she must attain and looked forward to the challenge ahead particularly as it involved Virginia Rubster!
New Home
The students reported at the entrance to the north wing. They were meet by Virginia Rubster who unlocked the impressive door at its entrance. Once inside the entered through another door and then another before entering a very spacious room. They were then introduced to her two readers, who it was explained would be assisting the students in their arduous task. The students had not set eyes on the two women before. It was explained that the two top students from this set were given the honour of being readers for a year after graduating. Both Harmony Chalice and
Hermione and Ginny looked the readers up and down. They were about thee years older than themselves. One blonde the other auburn like Ms Rubster. The both wore long flowing white gowns under which could clearly be seen white thin dresses fasted down the bodice with a thin ornate rope. As they walked towards them and Ginny could see the split up one side of the garment to give greater freedom of movement. On their feet were white cotton slippers and the young women seemed to almost glide across the parquet floor in them. Hermione thought that they had the grace of ballet dancers.
Ms Rubster showed the students around the large room. It had a good selection of books and manuscripts and some tables around its perimeter. The fast majority of the floor space was empty. This she explained was for practicing rituals and learning magical dances and acts. In one corner Hermione noticed a pile of gym mats which she presumed were fro some kind of dancing or warm-up exercises. There were a number of locked large cupboards around the room to which no mention was made.
It was then explained to the ten students that this building would be there new home for the next nine months. They were to bring their possessions to their new rooms. This they did. Unlike their former accommodation the students had to share their rooms with another. Hermione was to find that her roommate was to be Ginny.
They unpacked and went to find the washrooms chatting about their good luck in being chosen.
The Gowning
The next morning they made their way to the Dinning room to find that they now had their own special table. Other students had heard of their elevated position and seemed to look on in awe.
After eating they returned to the north wing and were joined by Ms Rubster. She gathered around the tables and spoke a few words and then handed out a sheet of paper which explained the basic outline of the Great Rite.
‘The readers will guide you through each piece of this fascinating ritual. Use you intuitiveness and let them guide you when you are unsure.’ She advised and then left.
The two readers entered the room as Ms Rubster left, their long hair and gowns flowing behind them revealing their sheer cotton dresses and thigh high slits. Hermione could not fail to notice that by the way their breasts were highlighted through the thin fabric that they were not wearing any bras, vests or slips! She felt herself glowing with embarrassment and quickly averted her gaze. Ginny’s attention had been caught by their unusual cotton slippers and then her eyes moved naturally up their bodies. She noticed the thigh length slit up one side of their white dresses. Her eyes continued to scan upward. To her horror she then speid from her seated position that Harmony, the blonde reader, had no undergarments covering her lower body! Ginny clearly saw her mound of golden hair completely uncovered and felt her jaw drop!
Ginny’s complexion went almost as red as her hair and quickly glanced back down at the floor! Both girls wondered if their classmates had noticed the same shocking things.
The two readers now stood in front of the students completely unabashed at their skimpy outfits, now almost covered by their white capes.
Liberty then spoke,
‘To be able to carry out the physical part of the ritual you will need to get changed. We have prepared your attire. It is laid out for you in the gowning room over there.’ She said pointing to a small door.
The students got up and filed over to the door and entered the gowning room. It looked much like a cloakroom and laying on the wooden benches below the cloths pegs were individual brown paper parcels tied up with string. Each one with a student’s name on.
The students gingerly untied the parcels. In each one was a white flimsy dress similar to those worn by Harmony and
Harmony then entered the room and made a quick announcement,
‘Take off all your earthly clothing and put on the ritual gowns. Then put on your cloaks and come back in the main room.’
With that statement she quickly left leaving the students looking a little stunned. For those girls who had not caught sight of the skimpy gowns previously it was more of a shock. Hermione and Ginny were not too surprised.
What crossed all their minds was the new experience of seeing others undressed in front of them and exposing themselves to others. Undressing was always done in the dark at Hogwarts and privacy seemed an unwritten rule. Tentatively they all began removing jeans and dresses, skirts and trousers, blouses, tee-shirts and jumpers. Once down to their bras and knickers they put on the white threadlike gowns. They then all seemed to looked around hoping for some guidance or leadership. Who would go first? Was the question on everyone’s mind.
A lesson in Obedience
It was Angelina Johnson who spoke tentatively suggesting that maybe they wouldn’t mind if, ‘undies remained.’
Hermione quickly reminded them of the things they had learn about being open to new, even chaotic and radical ideas.
‘I for one am not going to hold back on gaining knowledge of the old ways!’ she stated boldly. She then bent slightly forward, reached up inside the garment and took hold of her light blue cotton knickers and pulled them to her angles. Stepping out of them and placing them on the bench with the other earthly clothing. Next she turned her back other classmates loosened the cords on the front of the gown and pulled it down to her waist, She then slipped off her white 34b lacy bra dropping it on the clothes pile before pulling the gown back into position and fastening the ornate strings. She took her cloak from the hook and placed about her shoulders, wrapped herself in it and turned around and faced the class.
Four of the girls then followed suit including Ginny. An interesting array of knickers and various sizes of bras fell onto the clothing piles as Hermione looked on trying not to be smug.
However the other five students decided to follow the counsel of the assertive and attractive
Hermione then lead the way back into the main room. Waiting for them were
The students were now requested to stand in a circle facing inward.
‘Ladies, please remove your cloaks.’
A number of gulps could be heard immediately after the command was given.
Slowly cloaks began to fall to the grown behind the students.
‘I see,’ said
‘Step into the middle of the circle those who broke this command.’ She continued.
Harmony then left the inner circle and stood next to
‘You now have the opportunity to correct your disobedience or be banished from this set!’ Stated
The girls looked to their ‘leader’ Angelina Johnson for guidance. She in turn looked around at her foolish followers seeking some lead.
‘Do we have to wait an eternity for you to act and correct your mistake?’ questioned Harmony almost sarcastically.
‘Shall we ask one of our most highly recommended new students for her opinion?’ Asked Harmony preening her long dark hair.
Before anyone dared to answer the rhetorical question she continued,
‘Well, Miss Granger what do you think?’
Hermione was shocked and at the same time flattered. They were asking her? She quickly realised that she had to answer and not let her reputation down.
‘I think they should remove all their earthly clothing as quickly as possible!’ came her sharp reply.
‘Yes, I think you are right Miss Granger. But I think that Miss Johnson should lead the way as an example to her simple followers, don’t you?’
Again Hermione replied quickly with a sharp, ‘Yes Miss!’
Harmony then spoke again,
‘I think the problem may be that Miss Johnson doesn’t understand English very well. Could be that were she comes from they have a different understanding of the same words?’ she jested.
This raised a smile from those who had followed Hermione but not from those who had followed Angelina.
‘I think we need two model students to assist her in this task, Miss Granger please choose a fellow student.’ Continued Harmony thrusting forward her chest to make the point. Which further accentuated her dark nipples through the thin fabric of the gown.
Hermione had no difficulty in announcing Ginny for the job which brought a welcome smile from the Readers.
However, Hermione and Ginny had not bargained for was what was to occur as Harmony told them to undo their gowns and reveal what Angelina and her cohorts should have been wearing under their white garments!
Ginny looked at Hermione like a lost puppy almost cursing her friend for choosing her. Hermione looked at Ginny her eyes pleading for forgiveness and looking for a way out.
Hermione knew what she had to do. If she was going to succeed she had to forget morals and manmade rules and grasp this nettle with both hands. For whilst the nettle might sting, it brings with it great healing worth all the pain. She remembered reading in a old herbal.
Quickly she loosened the cords on the bodice of the gown and pulled it open exposing her pert white breasts to those she was facing including the two readers. She looked slightly above them all so not to catch anyone’s disapproving eye. She then allowed the natural energy of gravity to carry her garment to the floor revealing her mousy mound and shapely buttocks to the onlookers. Bravely she stood their allowing ogling eyes to burn into her. Hermione felt they could do her no harm she was protected by a greater force.
Ginny seeing her friend’s bravery gulped and followed her example. She too took hold of the strands loosened them and pulled open the bodice revealing her slimmer figure and smaller slightly pointed breasts covered with a few freckles. Her nipples were almost red unlike Hermione’s which were pink. Down slid the gown revealing her small naked body complete with a shock of red pubic hair and freckly bottom. Thankfully her long red main of hair fell onto her breasts giving her a little modesty.
The two girls stood naked, trembling slightly but proud for what seemed like an age. They then heard the familiar voice of
‘Now, go and undress Miss Angelina Johnson.’
They quickly took the three or so paces towards the worried young woman.
Hermione took the lead and started to undo the cords on the bodice whilst Ginny looked on. The both slipped the gown off her shoulders and it fell to the floor. Ginny walked around to her back and started to undo the clasps on her 32b silky white bra. Soon it was free and Hermione pulled it forward and off.
Ginny then took a firm grasp on the pink panties, which were trimmed with white lace. She knelt down and began to gently pull them towards the floor, Hermione knelt in front of the young woman and assisted. Both friends forgot their initial embarrassment and awkwardness of being naked. Now it seemed almost natural.
What Hermione hadn’t banked on was that Angelina Johnson, this tall attractive black girl, being a keen gymnast and swimmer was in the habit of shaving off all her pubic hair. Soon the offending panties were down and off and her shaved womanly area was on view for most to see.
The others were then ordered to gather around the naked students and see what they should or shouldn’t be wearing under their gowns. All three were then permitted to put back on the gowns. The remaining wrongly attired girls were let off with a warning and sent back to the gowning room to remove their underwear.
The lesson then got underway with breathing, relaxation and meditation techniques for some two hours.
Natural Dance
Many weeks followed with not much to challenge the students. They were thought how to make old remedies and magic spells using the herbs and roots from the apocrypha’s garden. The continued to learn and improve their breathing, relaxation and mediation techniques.
Today was something different the concepts of natural dance. Various magical sounds filled the air of the hall when the students entered wearing their now familiar whiter gowns. They now saw the sense in them. They gave the wearing freedom of movement and a feeling of naturalness. The realised that not wearing manmade artificial and mass-produced worldly goods did get them away from the trapping of mans’ world. Their gowns did bring them closer to nature and the spirit.
They needed little instruction before he light music and mystical heady atmosphere guided them into movement. They had been given special white slippers which seemed to assist in the process.
Soon they were dancing in groups, holding hands and embracing and exchanging the occasion kiss on the cheek. The readers moved amongst them guiding and helping their movements.
Hermione noticed through a haze
Meanwhile Ginny was rolling gently on a gym mat with Hannah Abbott cradling each other in each other’s arms. They both noticed Harmony sliding towards them and felt her embrace them and kissing them both gently on their foreheads and then their lips. Her hands drifted onto Hannah’s gown bodice and with Ginny’s help is feel undone. Harmony’s soft hand seemed to float inside and gently caress the young woman’s well-formed heaving breasts before she too floated away.
As the weeks went on the music became more manic, more chaotic and the atmosphere more dazed. Bodies heaved in masses gowns often undone or removed. Breasts and buttocks bared and touched. After each lesson the students found it difficult to apprehend what had happened. They just felt a great sense of peace and wellbeing. Unknown to them they had also felt quite a lot of Harmony and she of them.
The Anointing
When ever a new subject was added to the curriculum the established ones also continued. This gave the students less free time but it kept their new skills fresh in their minds or subconscious.
A new skill was now to be mastered. Having harvested various plants and distilled them they now had a chance to learn how to massage and apply the various ointments and essential oils,
The students were put in pairs and one of the couple would be the anointed one whilst the other would be the anointee. The anointee would lay on a mat and remove their gown. Something which they all still felt ill at ease with when not under the influence of external forces such as during the Natural Dance sessions.
Once naked they were covered with a large white towel and the instruction began. Each part of the body was exposed in turn and gently covered in warm oil warmed lovingly I the applicants hand. The hands then glided up each arm and leg in turn apply erotic and exotic essential oils. It took some weeks before they had mastered the face and limbs. Only then were they permitted to move onto the massaging of the back and buttocks. Once this was carried out to the required standard the massaging of breasts was taught.
Finally, the five girls receiving the massage in the last part of the course were instructed to put the soles of their feet together and allow their legs to fall open, thus revealing what the readers referred to as their alters. They lay there with their most private areas covered only in a white towel as
Ginny would feel a weird and strange feeling welling up inside her as Harmony made her first gentle and tentative stoke down her mound. She closed her eyes as the sensations got stronger as the young woman rubber with greater firmness, massaging her labia and finding her clitoris. Now it was Hermione’s turn. Gently she started, as instructed. Ginny could feel her smooth and gentle fingers sliding over her moist and now glistening red mound. Somehow it felt even better than when Harmony did it. Clearly her fiend had a magic touch. Ginny had only touched herself down there a few times herself but it had never felt as good as this.
Harmony then returned to instruct in the second part of the massage.
Hermione looked on as the reader run her little finger between the now open lips of her young womanhood. It then found the special space it sought, Ginny’s tight and previously untouched virgina. Gently she allowed her finger to slip inside helped by the natural juices flowing from her more than willing apprentice. Ginny gasped as she had never before and the strange feeling. But this was nothing compared to pleasure she felt as the finger began moving expertly and purposefully around inside her.
All to soon it was withdrawn but thankfully replaced with the slightly smaller digit of her best friend. It did not take Hermione too long to learn this new skill. In fact she took to it naturally. Without further instruction, and as though lead by an unknown force, she was soon pleasuring her friend with a larger finger and even tried her thumb.
Within thirty minutes the room was filled with the sound of gasping young women as they moved towards climax, some for the first time, such as Ginny.
Once recovered the students changed positions and it was Hermione’s turn to be pleasured. Whist massaging her friend she had glanced around the room at the erotic sceptical. The noises, the sounds, the sights and the touching of Ginny’s body had awoken new and peculiar feelings in the young woman. She now ached to be pleasured in the same was and eagerly threw of her gown and adopted the position.
The same routine was followed and it wasn’t long before Ginny’s hands were touching the young woman as she had never been felt before. Harmony had been looking forward to touching and entering the star female pupil of Hogwarts for what seemed like an age. She had spent more time instructing Ginny on how to massage her friend than any of the other students. How she had enjoyed being the first to touch and feel her soft mousy mound. Then to find her slit and then her engorged clitoris before gently playing with it.
Now she had returned to Hermione to show Ginny the second stage of the massage known as the manipulation. Harmony slid her hand on top of Ginny’ and gently pushed it aside, She then took over from the young woman, slide her small finger between the pink folds of virginal flesh. She then found the place she was searching for, a place she had found on so many times before. But this time it was special, very special, for this was Hermione Granger! She gently slipped her finger into the tight but welcoming orifice. It gripped around her finger almost sucking it in. The young woman arched her back to make the feeling even more pleasurable. Harmony wanted to stay longer and enjoy her some more but it was important that she allowed Ginny to learn this new skill. There would always be other days for playing with Hermione.
Ginny was keen to give her friend the same wonderful feeling that she had enjoyed just a few minutes previously. She expertly set about the task. She couldn’t help by notice that Hermione was wet, very wet indeed. After a few moments of manipulation with her small finger Ginny was able to insert her forefinger and index fingers together!
Hermione threw back her head, sending her mop of bushy brown hair flaying, and yelped like a bitch on heat as Ginny satisfied her to completion.
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
All the new students were fascinated by their new broomsticks and lessons started early in the term to instruct them on there safe and proper us. They were a lot more spirited in every way, having a mind of their own, great magic powers and being able to fly at high speed.
The new superwiz broomsticks were often the talk of the school as new powers and features were discovered.
Lisa Turpin and Susan Bones shared a room next to Hermione’s and Ginny’s. Lisa and Susan were of similar nature, rather impatient and opinionated at times. Lisa was very short for her age, often times people thought she was several years younger than what she really was because of this factor; it also didn't help that her figure was also that of a 13 year-old.
Lisa’s hair was long, and naturally brown but recently had bleached it to a honey-ish hue and was often seen in a pair of pigtails that seemed to only add to her childish appearance. Lisa appeared to be physically weak but actually she was quite strong. Lisa cared a lot about her appearance and how people perceived her. Often wearing almost professional looking clothing.
She was shy and quiet, preferring to observe the actions of others rather than join in on them. And while Lisa was quiet, to those that knew her well she was quite an upbeat girl; when things were going wrong for a friend she would try her hardest to cheer them up, even if she failed at it. It took quite a lot to provoke the young woman, but when she was, a sharp tongue was sure to lash out at the offender. Sadly, one of Lisa's greatest downfalls was her awful habit of keeping to her books rather than people, giving her rather poor social skills.
One of Susan’s traits is that she would act differently at various times. She could be described as hyper by one person, and quite calm by the next. But there are some things that are constant with her. For instance, she happens to be very opinionated. Her mind is not easily changed after she agrees to her own thinking, but this doesn't mean that she isn't a little open minded. She knows that her own ideas might not be the right ones, and lives by the saying 'to each their own.' Susan happens to be very naive and easily deceived. Even after finding certain people not to her liking, they can easily sway her with kind words. Overall, Susan happens to be very trusting, kind and fair.
Susan is quite intelligent. Her eagerness to make friends might be converted to hyperness, but that's the only typical thing. Of course, there's also the factor that she exaggerates at times, but it's never anything much too serious.
Susan was not very good with people. Many find her a complaining and depressed young woman. In truth, she's just not sure how to act. When she's too happy, it seems like she gets yelled at, and when she's not happy enough, it seems like she gets talked about. So her efforts have dwindled, and she's just given up a bit.
She has a darkly shaded brown colour for her hair that matches her eyes. She wears her hair in a long plait down her back Her complexion could possibly be described as a bit of a 'peaches and cream' sort of glow. At times, she's a bit pale, but with her easily embarrassed factor, it can quickly change to a light pink. She's known for being terribly petite, with a height of 5'5" and a weight of 130 lbs. Like Lisa she was often mistaken for someone being a lot younger than her years.
Both were in many ways model students, spending a great deal of time in the library and studying the craft in all the prescribed ways. They were in awe of their new broomsticks but fed up with waiting to learn. They were like children with new toys, they wanted to play with their new gift without being bothered to learn how.
One morning during a free study period they sat talking in their room. Soon the conversation turned, as it often did, to the new brooms.
‘Do you think?, questioned Lisa …’it would be really wrong to have a little try-out with the brooms?’
Susan’s eyes lighted up.
‘Wow!’ she exclaimed.
‘Do you think it’s safe?’
Lisa assured Susan that they could just try a little magic and they were experienced enough to know what they were doing. Susan was pleased to be assured and happy that her friend was taking the lead.
They then went and retrieved the brooms from their wardrobes and placed them on their beds. A simple spell would have to be worked out. Like all good magic it would have to rhyme and be concise. After a few minutes they had come up with the words which were now written on scrap of paper.
They both stood holding the paper between them and together chanted the spell,
Lovely new broom
Our great treasure
Come alive in our room
Give us some pleasure
Something to treasure!
They waited with hearts racing and with a little fear and trepidation. The brooms lay still on their beds as they looked at them waiting for something to happen.
Then they saw the broomsticks switch and then more some more. Then they stood upright on the beds!
Both students faced each other and gasped and gripped each other’s hands in anticipation.
The brooms jumped from the beds and onto the floor still standing upright. Lisa’s then moved between the two friends and broke their grip and proceeded to drive them apart. They stood facing each other with wry smiles on their faces.
In seconds the broom had danced around the back of Lisa, all eyes were fixed on it. Lisa went to turn a little but found that her feet would not move from the floor. Susan went to take a step nearer and also found the same. The broom clearly had its own will and powers. Lisa caught Susan’s eye and noticed that by her expression she too was rather worried. Just what had they unleashed?
Before Lisa could think too much about their foolish actions she was brought harshly to her senses as the broom caught the hem of her short summer dress and was lifting it up from the rear. She could feel it gliding up her bare legs and glanced down to see her knees being revealed. She went to move her arms from their folded position to grab her dress but found that they were fixed in place as if my some strange magnetic force. She tried to speak but couldn’t. Susan again tried to move but her feet would not move off the floor. Her arms too were fixed with her hands resting on her hips. She too tried to speak but found she was not able. All she could do was to look on at her petrified friend.
The dress was now up beyond her thighs and Lisa found herself blushing and could feel her heart racing. If she could have spoken she would have endeavoured to have said another spell, seeking to reverse that she had unleashed. At this point Susan’s broom leapt forward and brushed over Lisa’s feet. She tried to move them and found she could, her instinct was to try and kick her broomstick away!
She turned and began lashing out. The broom seemed to predict her every move. Susan looked on being frustrated that she couldn’t help her friend and also fearful as to what might happen next. Susan’s broom seemed to be enjoying teasing with her. Lisa soon realised that her attempts to beat the broom by kicking it were a waste of time and that she would have come up with something a bit more cleaver. The problem was that she couldn’t think just what that could be.
Lisa now stood with her back towards Susan, her hands still folded looking at the erect broom as it dancing menacingly in front of her. It then came very close and she decided on one last kick. But again she found her feet anchored to the ground. The broom then danced around Lisa’s back and stood between the two friends.
Susan watched as it then leapt up in the air and struck Lisa on the back. Immediately she bent forward. It then struck each shoulder in turn. Her arms shot forward towards the ground allowing her fingertips to rest on the floor. Lisa tried so hard to pull her hands off the floor and stand up but she was stuck good and fast.
The broom moved back between them and began to lean over. Susan looked on as the broom continued to move. She tried to speak to tell her friend what it was doing but found she couldn’t. It was now horizontal and hovering at the hem of Lisa’s dress. It began to slowly move under the fabric and gently tilted itself under the hem. It then began moving upward, carrying the dress with it. Susan found that she could not close her eyes of overt her gaze as the dress was slowly lifted. She could now see her friends slightly parted bare thighs as the dress hovered three quarters the way up her legs.
She wondered how far the broom would lift her friend’s dress. It continued moving up and up until she could just she her knickers! Surely it would not go any higher? But it did until her knickers were exposed. The dress was allowed to rest on her back. Lisa felt so stupid, if only she had left the broom alone until she had received the training. She felt herself flush with embarrassment realising the view that Susan must now be having!
Susan’s broom now started moving again whilst Lisa’s stood upright nearby as though it was observing. It then gently rose and stroked Susan’s folded arms they fell to her sides. She went to move them but found should couldn’t. The broom then touched them again, this time they moved behind her and her hands grasped each other involuntarily. The broom then rested at an angle. Its brush on the ground whilst its handle pointed toward her menacingly. It then moved forward until the end of the handle rested on her navel. Just what had it mind? Susan pondered.
Before she could think too much the broom moved quickly upward catching her top and sending its buttons in all directions! The shirt fell open resting between her petit breasts and just exposing the delicate fabric of her white lace-trimmed bra. She glanced down and observed her gently heaving chest and frayed shirt.
She saw from the corner of her eye the broom dance around and disappear behind her. Next she felt its rounded end push gently at the base of her spin. In a flash it then shot up the inside of her shirt and rested on her spine. It carried on upward at speed causing the top to fall abruptly from Susan’s shoulders and completely revealing her dainty white bra.
Lisa could see nothing from her position but could hear the tearing of fabric. Her broom then elevated itself and rested its rounded end on the small of her back, whilst Susan looked on.
It then slipped under the fabric and up the back of Lisa, who was still bent over. It rested for a few short moments, as though to cause a build up of anticipation, before pulling upwards towards the ceiling – taking most of the flimsy top with it! Lisa felt the sensation of the cotton fabric roughly brushing her small pink nipples as the top flew from her body followed by the cooling air as it caressed her nakedness. She was grateful that she hadn’t worn her new flowery bra – at least it wouldn’t be torn to bits like her new top!
Susan looked on, her hands pinned to her side. Her eyes would not even blink has her gaze was fixed on her friend’s white knickers clinging to her bent-over pert bottom. She noticed that she was still wearing her pink shoes and white ankle socks, trimmed with pink decoration which, she observed, matched her underwear.
Lisa tried not to think to much as she remained bent over, her hands on the floor and her legs slightly parted. Susan then saw the brooms rise and levitating horizontally side-by-side. They drifted between the two girls and then rearranged themselves until they were touching end-to-end. Then, in a flash, they became vertical and suspended themselves either side of Lisa.
There they rested. Lisa sensed their presence but could not see them, her tummy had butterflies and her heart was pounding. Susan continued to look on in amazement. Then it happened. The brooms pushed themselves against each side of Lisa’s slim waist their heads upward. They then rested heir bulbous ends on her flesh and run down her side. In a flash they slipped inside the delicate elasticised waist of the knickers. It one quick move they pulled in unison outward. The skimpy fabric was torn in two equal parts. Each half flying to different corners of the room.
Susan now had a view which was a completely new experience for her. Her friend’s labia and her anus! She tied to close her eyes but couldn’t. She continued to look. Lisa only had the slightest amount of downy pubic hair giving her rather large labia little camouflage. Her positioning meant that her buttocks were open enough to give a clear view of her tight pink anal ring. Susan felt herself flush with embarrassment.
Lisa could only imagine what her friend could see! She too felt herself glowing with embarrassment.
Susan still could not move. She stood there her hands grasping each other behind her back. She felt a little ridiculous wearing just her bra and short skirt whilst her friend was bending over in front of her. Her worse fear now was that someone else would enter the room!
The brooms began circling around her. One went behind whilst the other stood erect and intimidating in front of her – its globular end just inches from her face. She felt something gently strike her hands and was aware they were free of they magical entrapment. Before she could enjoy their freedom her arms shot in the air as though she was reaching for the ceiling.
Susan tried to yell but no words would come out of her mouth. The brooms danced around celebrating the fun they were having with the two novice and nieve virgin witches. Her own broom stopped dancing and moved towards her face. Its decorative end caressed her lips she felt that it was slightly damp. Its slightly musky aroma filled her nostrils. She noticed that her tongue could move and involuntarily licked her lips. It touched the brooms bulbous end, which remained on her lower lip. It tasted like the sea but was a little sticky. Her tong darted forward and was out of control. It was soon licking the engorged end of the handle lick like it was a delicious ice cream! Susan could do nothing to stop herself.
Her mind only taken off the weird sensation by what was happening behind her. She felt her long plated hair being wrapped around the other broom’s handle. It soon had control of her head. It soon was making her head bob gently up and down like a toy nodding dog. The end of her broom now slipped between her lips and feared she might choke. Her head now moved slowly up and down controlled by the stranglehold on her long hair. She could feel the bulbous end getting warmer and warmer and wetter and wetter as her disgusting tongue vigorously licked and welcomed it.
How much longer would this humiliation last? She wondered. But it was not for long. Seconds later the engorged end of the broom erupted into her mouth filling it was a salty goo and withdrew. She wanted to spit out the strange liquid. But her mouth and tongue had other ideas. Susan felt herself swallow and swallow again until she had devoured it all.
Before she could completely comprehend what had happened she was aware that her hair was now free. She was relieved and could even move her head a little. She could not see the brooms and guessed that they were both behind her. If only she could speak and say a spell to stop this going any further. All was not still and she thought that perhaps their spell was losing its power. Maybe the brooms had collapsed and returned to their dormant state? Possibly Lisa and herself would soon be able to move.
No sooner that she had wished for those things she was brought to reality. She felt her short wrap-around skirt being lifted from behind. She felt it getting tighter around her waist as the broom was twisted it around its shaft. She heard a button fall to the ground followed by another. It then disappeared behind her. She remembered she was wearing a matching set of underwear. Her tiny white lacy knickers now joined her petite white lacy bra, exposed some moments earlier.
Susan managed to gulp as she imagined was what about to occur. Her prediction was correct. One broom slipped up the back of her bra and vigorously yanked it causing the tiny clasps to break and the garment shot up her arms, over her hands and hit the ceiling. She was now only too aware that her small and puffy breasts and pink nipples were now exposed, and she could do nothing to cover them. It wasn’t being naked that was concerning her, she had become accustomed to that during her time at the college. It was more the circumstances that were unacceptable.
Then she felt the brooms slid up her outer thighs and then up inside the elasticised leg of her dainty knickers. It a flash they tore them from her revealing her small rounded bottom and dainty mound of dark pubic hair. All that remained of her fetching outfit were her pink shoes and white ankle socks.
Her hands then were released and they fell beside her. She then felt a push on her back and she bent over her hands reaching for the floor to stabilise her. She looked up and realised that her face was just a fraction away from Lisa’s exposed most intimate places! Her long hair was again grasped and her head manoeuvred. Susan’s tongue moved around her mouth involuntarily, as though it was seeking out as tasty morsel. Her tongue had always been of interest to others. The fact that it was long and that she could touch the end of her nose with it always got a laugh at parties. In a science lesson she impressed her fellow students by being in the minority that could role her tongue.
Then she felt her whole body jolt forward and her lips were now pressed hard up against Lisa’s virgina. Her musk filled her mouth and nostrils and she tried her hardest to turn her head away. Touching her friend was one thing she had come to terms with during their anointing and manipulation lessons. But she had never imagined that she would have to perform such an act as this. Before she new what was happening her sluttish tongue was doing its own thing. Lapping at Lisa’s exposed labia and finding her slit between them.
Lisa could not believe what was happening either. She tried to move but was unable. She tired to beg for the assault to stop but could not speak. Her best friend was now licking her and entering her with her enormous tongue and there was nothing she could do. Susan was aware that something was pushing her legs apart. Once it had succeeded it began stroking her inner thigh. She realised that it was the head of her broom.
Within in seconds its wetness could be felt touching her virgina. Unlike Susan’s her labia was neat, small and hard to see, even in her current position. The bulbous head persisted in its gentle and moist probing. Soon it managed to separate her womanhood and begin to rub itself at her tight entrance. To date only Lisa’s and her own smallest finger had entered her and only on a few occasions. Lisa enjoyed and encouraged Susan to finger her on many occasions. Susan was happy to give this pleasure to her friend but not so keen to receive it. But now she was feeling a strange occurrence it the bottom of her tummy. She realised that this overwhelming feeling that was overcoming her entire body must be an orgasm – and it was her first.
Susan almost blacked out with the pleasure whilst her tongue continues to satisfy her friend. Within in seconds she too came. They then both felt their young bodies drop to the floor exhausted. Within moments they came to the realisation that they had regained control of their bodies. They stood up instinctively covering their bare breasts with their hands and looked around. They saw their tattered clothing strewn around and the brooms lying motionless on their respective beds.
They gave each other an embrace and pledged not to repeat what had happened to anyone. They would not dabble with their brooms again unless under expert instruction. Both Lisa and Susan now knew the reason why some referred to the broomstick as a riding pole!
Ritual Preparation
Today was a special day as Ms Rubster was coming to teach her favourite subject – the Ritual itself. All they had done so far would come into the great Rite but they still needed to know the finer points.
She handed them out a piece of paper each with the following on;
A. Ritual Preparation
1. Define purpose
2. Write ritual
3. Gather necessary tools
4. Prepare area
5. Prepare body
1. Find true North
2. Set up Magickal 'doorway'
3. Call the Watchtowers / Elemental Quarters
C. Invocation to the deities
1. Align self with deity
2. Invoke deities
D. Statement of Purpose
E. Actual Rite
1. Working
a. Complete preliminary manual or visual task
b. Raise power / energy
c. Focus power / energy
d. Ground power / energy
2. Honouring
a. Complete preliminary manual or visual task
b. Dedicate cakes and wine
c. Partake in cakes and wine
F. Meditation
G. Thanking the deities
H. Closing the Circle
1. Mentally and verbally close the
She talked through the basics and now said it was up to them to carry out research and prepare. The readers would be there to assist. The ritual was now only four weeks away. How the eight months had flown by.
They did as instructed each one assuming a different role. Hermione was to be the Queen of the Sabbat! She would be given the role of taking on the persona of the goodness, to act as the Priestess for the Sabbat, Hermione was delighted to have been chosen for such an elevated and important role. Lavender Brown reminded herself of why so, so disliked Hermione Granger!
Ginny would be the maiden on the alter. Alicia Spinnet, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell and Hannah Abbott would represent the elements and the four points of the compass. Angelina would represent the horned god and the remaining two, Lisa Turpin and Susan Bones would assist the priestess. It was explained that once agreeing the roles the die was cast and no one could back out or change their mind.
They then all went of to research their roles. This is when some more shocks were in for a fledgling craft workers. Angelina would have to wear a large phallus. Ginny would not just have to lay on the alter but would have to be tied up with ropes!
However, they were all exited about the Great Rite and were looking forward to it being seen by Ms Rubster and all the female students and staff. The worked hard on their lines and were told that on the day the finer mystical instructions would be given. These could only be given at the real ritual and couldn’t be practiced. In good faith the hard working and dedicated young witches believed and trusted.
The Great Rite
Many months of training had passed and it was now the magic day in June. In just a few hours they would be carry out the Great Rite in the Wooden Henge in the old Oak Wood in front of nearly twenty students and members of staff.
They now got ready in deadly seriousness. Ms Rubster came and gave them her best wishes as did Harmony and
The drank the potion and at exactly
‘This truly is a magical place.’ thought Hermione as she walked slowly to her position.
Around the outside of the wooden Henge were the female students and staff wearing the different coloured cloaks.
Inside the circle the students took their places. Ginny on the alter awaiting the ropes that would bind her. Angelina tried to strap on the phallus and others took up the points of the compass to represent the four old elements.
It said,
The words written hear will fade quickly. As they do new word will appear. Read and speak quickly and clearly. These things must be followed,
1. Order all those taking part in ritual to be skyclad
What does that mean thought Hermione slightly panicking. She turned to her two assistants. Fortunately, they had studied well and Susan Bones stated that that was old speak for naked!
Quickly she shouted out the order,
‘Get skyclad that means naked!’
Immediately the students obeyed trying to forget that others could see there nakedness.
2. Tie maiden to alter with legs wide open and sole together.
The two assistance positioned the somewhat surprised Ginny into the embarrassing position.
3. When you hear the magical music dance around the alter
Hermione told the students the massage and almost immediately the magical sounds started. As if intoxicated they began to follow the routines they had learnt. Moving slowly and dreamily around embracing each other, kissing and touching. Hands gently brushed over bare breasts, thighs and bottoms. Kisses found cheeks and breasts. After some ten minutes the music faded away and Hermione found herself holding the scroll again.
4. When you put the scroll down massage the maiden as you have been taught and let each witch pleasure her too.
Hermione read out the instruction and immediately they all moved forwards assaulting every part of the young woman’s body. Not one part was left untouched. After some ten minutes of caressing inside and out she let out a massive scream of pleasure and they stopped their playing. Everyone observing enjoyed seeing Hannah Abbott, a pink-faced girl, whose blonde pigtails bounced up and down as she rubbed Ginny’s small but cute breasts.
5. Now let the one with the phallus enter the maiden
Hermione again gave the instruction without thinking of the consequences
Before she had taken a breath Angelica was standing before the alter naked with phases strapped in place. Its end glisten with oil and she stood pointed near the wet and gaping orifice of young Ginny. She started to slide it in assisted by Lisa and Susan who between them somehow knew how to prepare her tight opening for the crafter dido. Gently they rubbed her orifice with oils and pulled open her labia. The phallus was soon sunk inside with Angelica writhing on the other end. The Music was now playing again and everyone gathered around the alter touching and kissing each other. The yelps and begging of Ginny could not be heard as she begged for the dildo to be removed from her petit freckly body.
6. You are now to worship at each other alters, came the next command.
‘What does that mean?’ said Hermione to her assistants.
Oh my gods…’ replied Susan obviously too shocked to say what it meant.
In desperation she turned to Lisa.
Lisa gulped and spoke with tears in her eyes,
‘It means we have to lick each other.
‘Pardon? Questioned Hermione
We have to lick each other's virginas.’ explained the worried young woman.
Hermione quickly shouted out the command and to her amazement girls paired up, including her two assistants. Soon all eight young woman had their tongues deep into each other as the crowd looked op.
Hermione then saw the familiar face of Ms Rubster walking toward her only wearing a white gown. When she got within a few feet she dropped it to the ground revealing her well toned thirty-year-old body. She took Hermione by the arms and pulled her to the ground. With the help of her two naked readers Herminie’s face was guided into her neatly trimmed cunt. Soon the 18 year old was on all fours licking her wetness whilst
Harmony and the female teachers now entered the Henge. They beckoned to the audience of some fifteen teenage woman to stand and walk forward. The slowly obeyed. Then as from no where a fierce warm wind whipped around the outside of the hedge. Capes flew off the young women in all directions. Those wearing dresses and skirts desperately clung onto the hems to preserve their modesty. Again the wind hit, this time relieving the girls of their tops. Blouses, jumpers, shirts and halter necks flew into the air and away. They stood around glued to the ground unable to run as all went quiet.
The staff and those in the Henge stopped what they were doing and looked on.
Another blast arrived this time ripping off shorts, jeans, dresses and skirts. The young women we left just wearing an assortment of underwear apart for one poor girl who had neglected to wear a bra under her jumper due to the warm evening. Their hands locked to their sides by magic made it impossible to cover themselves.
The staff began to drop their cloaks to reveal their skimpy white gowns.
A final massive mighty wind arrived and the remaining items of clothing were torn from the young fresh bodies. Bras, knickers, vests, shoes, tights and stockings flew up and away. They were all naked and frozen to the spot.
The tutors were soon mingling amongst their students touching and feeling, as was Hermione and her classmates. It wasn’t long before every student had been fondled and touched in every intimate place.
But it was Hermione, the model student that they all wanted more than anything else.
While the students danced, kissed and touched each other, the female members of staff took turns to enjoy Hermione, getting her to kiss and lick each of them on almost every part of their bodies. Before returning the favour to her. They had all heard of her noisy and load climaxes and wanted to hear one for themselves!
Finally, Hermione carried out the final act of submission to Ms Rubster - The Kiss of Obedience. The Priestess bent forward of the now cleared alter and
The girl replied, ‘Daisy Bailey miss.’
She took her back to her room and lovingly shared her with Ginny who thanks to some magic ointment and a good spell had recovered from the giant phallus entering her narrow orifice. She soon felt completely better once Daisy had soothed her with her gentle tongue and sweet saliva.
Meanwhile each mesmerised student was laid on the alter and entered by the female staff, first with tongues and fingers and then with the phallus.
And so it was that the main characters in our tale graduate from the
This is a story relating the beginning of an affair between a young Englishman and a much older widow. Apart from the names, it is true.
Do you find that in this sometimes painful sometimes wonderful world of ours that life's pleasures are best enjoyed when they come unexpectedly? I do. That's how it was with me and Mrs Kellerman. Unexpected, and fine, very, very fine. I met Mrs K when I was staying at my aunt's house one summer. At the time immediately before I met her, I was in a kind of down-hearted frame of mind. Shortly after I met her I was flying high on my own personal cloud. Now, I have a precise, precious memory of this beautiful, curvaceous woman of, I'd guess around her mid-fifties (it is rude to ask I've been told), with a warm smile and a kind heart, not to mention a ripe full figure and accommodating wet and warm mouth, pussy, and asshole.
Mrs Kellerman was a neighbour of my aunt's. I hadn't stayed at my aunt's for many years; she and my uncle had a large, rambling property in the West Country of
When leave finally came I headed back to my flat in London and looked forward to a couple of months relaxing playing sports, drinking with my buddies and making up for lost time with my girlfriend Fiona. This was not to be, however. Firstly, Fiona, who seemed to have lost about twenty pounds in weight in my absence making her appear drawn and skinny rather than the full-figured girl I first fell for, gave me rather a cool instead of warm welcoming home, and announced that she had got a "great" new job with an American publishing company and would be working in New York for several months, starting immediately; and secondly, and equally depressingly, a mere 24 hours into my leave I got a call from my ship's captain outlining the charming fact that in one month I would be skippering a motor patrol boat between the dangerous Iraq-Iran waterways for at least six months, and that as from the next day I would be on a three-week intensive Arab language course at a college in the West Country. It was not very welcome news, to put it mildly, although I'd do the best I could.
After one night with Fiona and an unsatisfactory, quick fuck, which for me was just a brief release of tension and for her a quick break from talking about her bright future, I threw some clothes into a rucksack and caught the train West after my car, my very expensive car, whose rash purchase had left me flat broke for the immediate past and future, had refused to start. With my expenses to be paid, in true fashion, "at a later date," I rang my Aunt, who fortunately lived near the college and I arranged to stay there.
My aunt and uncle were due to leave for a weeks break in
The town itself was small and insular in outlook; the nightlife where I could spend the little money I had seemed to consist of a couple of pretentious, expensive wine-bars full of couples, and scruffy pubs largely frequented by groups of late teenagers resplendent in their baseball caps and gold sovereign rings, swearing and sometimes dancing to loud garage and rap music. Neither entertainment was my thing. It seemed a few really dull weeks were likely, especially as the first weekend found me too short of money to even scrape the train fare home. Saturday passed studying and watching sports on the TV, and eating a bad microwave meal, followed by a couple of hours drinking alone in the local pub.
After a lazy Sunday morning spent reading the newspapers, followed by some lunch, I decided to do some work on the property outside, partly to ease my boredom and partly to catch some sun on a rare hot day. I started by checking the wooden fence which ran at the back and one side of the property, both adjoining a field and separating my aunt's garden from her neighbour's, Mrs Kellerman's. The fence was in fairly good condition, it just needing some panels renailed, and a small section of it begged some fresh paint. I found some tools and paint in the garage and set to work. After a while I began to get the satisfied feeling I have found before when working with my hands, and as I was only wearing a pair of denim shorts I was also enjoying the feel of the hot sun on my body. I was in a welcome kind of contented, dreamy mood.
I became aware of the sound of someone working close by on the other side of the fence, and moving to a part of it short in height I gazed over the panels and saw a very shapely female form tilling the soil of a vegetable plot. I recognised her as Mrs Kellerman, who I hadn't seen for years. I recalled my aunt telling me that her husband Alan had died a couple of years previously, and that her children had now left home. I guessed she must be fifty at least, but believe me she was in seriously great shape. She had that kind of body that carries a few extra pounds well. That is to say, she was a medium height curvaceous lady with very big breasts and a large, though shapely backside, with proportionately fairly narrow waist. She had a seriously sexy mature womanly body, a real old-style full hour-glass figure, which, as she was dressed only in a rather too-tight pair of shorts and a sleeveless close fitting T-shirt, was on glorious display.
My eye-feast was broken by her sensing my gaze and turning to look at me. She had shoulder length fairly wild dark hair with loose curls, and a smooth looking face, which was both very pretty and suggested intelligence. After a second's summing me up she recognized me from my childhood.
"Hello, it's Jay isn't it?" she enquired with a light smile on her face.
"Yes. Hi, Mrs Kellerman, what a beautiful day."
"Indeed it is, and please call me Hazel" she replied, and I became aware that she was looking at my face and bare upper body in an approving manner.
My eyes met hers, which were a deep, dark brown, and her full lips formed into a really affecting smile, which I returned. My face then felt slightly flushed, and felt a familiar swelling in my shorts, as it hit me that there was obviously a mutual connection between us, a kind of lust at first sight.
We chatted away for a while, a light inconsequential conversation, but one which flowed effortlessly. All the while I could feel my cock, concealed as it was by the fence, hardening as I stole glances at her kind, high-cheek boned face and her ripe, full body. I realised I was turning into a fully fledged milf fancier. Normally I'm not much of a conversationalist but with Mrs Kellerman, things seemed easy and natural.
Eventually our chat was broken by the sound of a phone ringing somewhere inside her house, and she excused herself, but not before inviting me to come inside in a while for a cool drink.
"Oh, I will," I virtually shouted out at her retreating figure.
She glanced back over her shoulder and threw me the most killer sexy smile. I idled the next few minutes away, in absent minded fashion tapping in a few nails, receiving one sore thumb and two sore fingers for my lack of concentration. I knew there was chemistry between us, and fortune favouring the brave, I intended to 'try it on' soon.
After what seemed an age, but in reality was probably only a few minutes, Hazel appeared by her back door and gestured me in. I followed her into a tasteful drawing room and sat as directed on a soft leather sofa. Hazel joined me but sat a frustrating couple of feet away. We chatted for a minute or so and to my delight she was coyly stealing glances at my groin. Her expression suggested she liked what she saw.
"Oh, sorry. I forgot myself, what would you like to drink?" she asked.
"Oh anything would be good, but a cold beer would be great."
"I'll join you," she said, and I noticed her voice had taken on a girlish, slightly giggly form.
Hazel moved from the sofa to a tasteful wooden drinks cabinet at the far side of the large room to get the drinks, which allowed my eyes to take in those full, ripe ass-cheeks which filled out the cotton material of her shorts so nicely, and swayed seductively as she walked. It was warm outside, cool inside and burning around my crotch, as I felt a familiar light fluttering in my lower stomach and a hardening in my shorts.
I was close to making the move, and a sense of anticipation coupled with a kind of 'naughty boy' mischief, thrilled my senses as the chance of having sex with a curvaceous woman who was about thirty years older than me was close. After popping the tops she returned with two near ice-cold bottles of Becks lager. Hazel's face was now coming out in a kind of blush and I noticed her eyes again fleetingly gaze at my swelling bulge. I was feeling confident, and in a way both chilled-out, but with now heightening senses rising, especially as I noticed her nipples, huge and erect, straining beneath the material of her T-shirt. I knew what I wanted, she knew what she wanted, and it was showing.
Sitting next to me so closely that our thighs touched, I saw tiny beads of perspiration had formed on her forehead despite the room's cool air-conditioning, and a vague slight musty sweet womanly aroma assailed my nostrils. I guess she was seriously horny. I took one good, very deep shot at the ice-cold beer and placed the bottle down. I stroked her tanned upper arm, and looked into the dark pools of her brown eyes. She was relaxed with my touch.
"You're a kind of a good looking woman," I said.
"Only a kind?" she joked, her voice now really girlish.
"My kind," I countered, and I stroked her hair gently as we moved our mouths into a kiss.
Her lips were full and soft, her breath fresh and her tongue probing. We kissed deeply for what seemed a pleasurably long time. Breaking the kiss, I moved my hands under her T-shirt at the back, stroked her smooth back and then unclipped her bra, feeling her big breasts drop slightly against my chest. Trying to ease her T-shirt over her head I suddenly and surprisingly felt her stiffen very slightly. I paused and looked at her slightly questioningly.
"It's been a long time," she said, "two years since Alan has died, and he was sick for a while before. There's been no-one else"
"Shush," I said, "relax, everything is okay."
I held her hands then stroked her cheekbones and kissed her once again. Now, with her assistance, I lifted the T-shirt over her head and freed her big womanly breasts. Beauty filled my eyes. I blatantly stared at them as her face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and lust, and I lowered my head and firstly licked, sucked and very lightly nibbled on her huge distended dark red nipples, the sexiest I had ever have seen or tasted. Hazel emitted a low moan of contentment, and a hushed "yes" was repeatedly audible.
Without my guidance, Hazel stood and took my hand, pulling me willingly to her bedroom, which had a large four poster bed covered in pristine sheets. I sat on the end of the bed and she sat astride me, her legs either side of my thighs. She pulled my chest to her mouth and kissed my nipples as I felt my cock strain against my shorts, more so than ever when Hazel traced the outline of my cock gently with her fingers.
"Be my guest," I invited.
"Well, if you insist," Hazel replied, now with mock coyness. She slid the shorts down and my cock reared up hard, full and throbbing, pre-cum seeping from the head.
Her eyes widened slightly, "Big," she muttered, "Alan was..."
"Shssssh," I interrupted.
She gazed up, those dark eyes deeper and blacker than ever. I nodded toward my groin and she dropped her mouth and sucked at the cock-head, rimming around the glans with her tongue and cupping and very gently squeezing my full balls in her delicate hands. I lay back and savoured the delicious feeling as she slowly, languidly feasted on me. Her cunning mouth gradually took more and more, until it felt like most of my large tool was wedged down this mature beauty's silky throat.
"Ah, fuck, fuck," I groaned as I knew I was about to come.
"I'm going to shoot," I said, which merely induced Hazel to suck more frenziedly as my balls tightened beneath her grip.
"Fuck!" I almost screamed as I climaxed massively, shooting wave after wave of cum into that pretty mouth.
Gamely Hazel sucked most of the love-juice down, but as she rose and smiled some fluid dripped delightfully from her full lips. I lent forward and lifted her on top of me and as I eased her up the bed I tasted myself as we were entwined in a deep kiss. I was hardening again within a minute.
"Thank-you Mrs Kellerman," I stated, my mock formality turning into a spontaneous heart-felt laugh.
"You're most welcome, Jay," was her giggled reply.
I was temporarily lost in a glow of utter satisfaction; while Hazel looked lustfully at me. Moving above her, I kissed those soft lips again, and then lightly traced a line down her throat to her rounded belly with both soft and strong kisses. Her pussy was giving out a strong, wonderful aroma. She raised her butt for me as I slowly pulled her shorts and silk panties down her legs and off her feet. I threw them across the room. Her bush was dark and full; her slit was long, pink-red and glistening with moisture. I placed one hand on her right breast, rolling a huge nipple and from my other hand put two fingers in her mouth, which she sucked. Hazel spread her legs very wide. Her clit was large and prominent. I traced its outline gently with my tongue as her body heaved. I rolled her big clit with my right fingers as I inserted first one, then two, then three fingers into her flowing wet pussy. I finger fucked her in a way so as to almost stroke her clit from the inside. Hazel was rocking to meet my fingers.
"Fuck, now, fuck me now," she commanded as her pussy gushed an orgasm which literally dripped down my fingers then my wrist.
I positioned myself and eased into her steaming, streaming pussy. Savouring the heat, I held my cock still, and then worked deep, slow strokes into her womanhood. Hazel worked her pelvis to meet my strokes in unison, and we mutually moved up a gear as I slammed home.
"Hard, deep, harshhhhhhh," she almost screamed.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck that cunt, fuck that cunt, God it's fuckin good," I gasped out in joy, as sweat poured down my face.
I felt Hazel's pussy contract and her juice liberally coated my balls, as I came with her, shooting my seed deep in her love canal.
I pulled free and moved under Hazel on the bed. We kissed deeply and then just held each other very tight in a lengthy embrace. A while passed with our bodies entwined, I felt her body's heat and her heart pulse. Gently fondling my balls and stroking my cock, Hazel twisted and rose above me, got me hard and eased my cock into her silky pussy. She rode me gently and for a long wonderful time, easing up and down with a contented, lusty look on her pretty face. I was content just to rise my hips in unison with her, savouring the pleasure as an orgasm wracked her heaving body.
I sensed I was going to cum, and I eased back. Hazel read this as a cue to lift herself off me. Gently, I motioned Hazel to roll onto her stomach. I put a pillow under her hips, raising her thighs and ass high into the air.
"Do you know what I want now Hazel?" I asked.
"My ass," came her reply, which she followed with a contented sigh.
I kissed my way down her arching back whilst firmly fondling the big, shapely globes of her butt-cheeks with my hands. I felt great. Removing my mouth and gazing at the magnificent flesh, I felt a new heat of excitement; my mouth began to salivate, and my cock pulsed almost painfully hard. My eyes were drawn to between the valley of her magnificent full backside, as I spied her asshole. What a beauty! It was a duller, darker pink colour than her pussy, and was slightly puckered, with a tight mass of wrinkles. I was almost giddy-headed with lust.
Gently, I spread her ass-cheeks apart, and lapped around her glorious ring. Hazel's breathing became laboured.
"Do it, tongue out my ass, eat my asshole," she implored me.
I inhaled as much of the delightful, ever so slightly musky aroma as I could, then centred my tongue, as Hazel removed my hands from her ass-cheeks, replacing them with her own. She pulled her own ass wide apart and I slipped my tongue in the tight opening, as deep as I could. I licked around, almost stroking her bowels with my tongue.
Hazel's sphincter tightened hard briefly, and then relaxed delightfully, loosening up my entry. Lapping inside Hazel's puckered ring was so fine, so good. I ate her for a long, wonderfully pleasurable period, whilst reaching under her sides and playing with her two massive hard nipples. My feast was only interrupted by Hazel pulling free. I briefly feared she'd had enough, but instead she twisted slowly so that she was on top of me. She then turned and placed her pretty mouth on my cock sucking away as I was reacquainted with that wonderful pussy of hers, and we devoured each other in a sixty-niner.
I playfully lightly spanked her big butt-cheeks, all the while gorging on Hazel's still streaming cunt. My cock was slick and pulsing in her clever, cunning mouth. Her tongue danced along my length, her throat contracted and loosed and her lips sucked at my flesh. I teased her clit, feasted on her pink-red folds and fed my fingers in her ass. Again I felt Hazel cum, her juices sharp and welcome to my mouth. I savoured her as my balls contracted and I fleetingly almost lost consciousness, giddy-headed in pleasure in the moment before I came, in wave after wave. Hazel moved around and we shared one long kiss, before, spent and utterly satisfied I fell into a sleep, my head cushioned against the womanly softness of Hazel's big breasts.
To be continued..........
I love getting feedback on my stories, and if anyone wants to write to me with any comments or suggestions, then that will be great. My address is: If you leave me your e-mail address, I promise to reply.
- Jay
I woke up after a short sleep of an hour or so. My head had moved from its resting place against her big soft breasts and was now against her tummy. Mrs K was stroking my face; it felt good. Better still was my memory homing in on what had happened.
"Hello sleepyhead, looks like I wore you out," Hazel said, laughing, and then smiling broadly.
"Hello my beautiful lady," I replied.
I wriggled up her body and we shared a deep kiss. Then I gently nibbled her ear-lobes, kissed her neck and moved my mouth down over one of her huge pink nipples and sucked. It hardened beautifully in my mouth. As I feasted on her, Mrs K resumed stroking my face. I felt my cock press hard against her leg, and I ran my hand through her lustrous, thick, dark pubic bush and teased my fingers over the increasingly slippery wetness of her pussy. We lay like this for a while.
"Ahhhh, the vigour of youth," she almost purred. "Jay, make love to me again."
I removed my mouth from her breast and kissed her, slipping my tongue past her teeth. As I did this, Hazel held my cock tenderly and guided it inside her. She was just so wet and warm. I rode on top of her with our chests and stomachs joined and our mouths and tongues playing together. I fucked her slowly at first, with deep but gentle strokes. It was heaven.
Firstly, I clenched then pushed alternatively with one then the other of my butt-cheeks, so I was probing all parts of her vaginal tunnel. I felt her react to this instantly, her hips rose to meet my strokes and I revelled in the warmth of her body. Then I shaped my hips and drew a figure-of-eight inside her pussy with my cock.
I was balls deep inside Mrs K, and moving very slowly. I broke our kiss and sucked and lightly bit on the flesh between her neck and shoulders. Her breathing became ragged, and in a quiet but husky voice she rasped out:
"Oh fuck, fuck me hard, fuck meeeeeeeee."
My mouth met hers again. I started riding her straight on… quite fast, then very fast and deep with each long thrust. Sweat was wet on my face. Hazel was moaning now, and repeating more loudly:
"Surrender, sweet surrender."
I was holding off from cumming with a huge effort of concentration. Finally, feeling her body tense and almost spasm, she flowed juice onto my balls, and I released my restraint. My sperm flew out of me, splattering inside her pussy with force.
We lay together in a tight hug, smiling at each other between kisses. My stomach then began rumbling which caused her to form a mock frown, before she laughed.
"Well Hazel," I said, "you’ve certainly satisfied my cock’s appetite, but my belly tells me I’m starving."
"Jay, I’m sure we can rectify that problem if we try; go back to your Aunt’s and shower and get changed lover, while I do the same, then I’ll treat us to a meal."
I left. Under the shower, once again I found it curious how Mrs K’s voice fluctuated so much. During foreplay or the actual act of sex, it was girlish, gigglish, and very youthful. But in normal conversation, it was deeper, riper, and almost authoritative. I found both forms affecting.
As well as her being a wonderfully expressive, sensuous lover, I had to admit that I found the big age gap between us, maybe as much as nearly thirty years, a huge turn on. I’d always had girlfriends of my own age, or slightly younger; and while I had some good times with them, I just seemed to find a heightened sensuality with this mature lady. Whether it was some sort of power thing, or maybe even a form of repressed guilt, I neither know nor care. It was hard to define, but it was oh so delicious to experience.
I showered and dressed. I wore a pale blouse, black skirt and high heels. I took care with my make-up. I felt good, better than I had for a long time. I had a lovely warmth in my stomach; that exquisite feeling I have known in the past after I’ve had long, satisfying sex.
I called a favourite restaurant and ordered a table, then rang for a taxi; I didn’t want to drive; I felt like sharing a drink with Jay. I went and knocked on my neighbour’s door. Jay seemed to answer almost immediately. He looked so gorgeous. In ways he reminded me of my son. He looked so tall and handsome; with a kind, yet very vaguely sad face, and beautiful eyes.
Jay smiled and invited me in. He kissed me lightly on the cheek and put his hands on my breasts.
"No," I said, removing his hands, "plenty of time later for that though, lover." Although, in truth I was really turned-on at his touch. The taxi came and drove us to the restaurant. Jay paid the driver and ordered him again for later.
I told him this meal was on me; he accepted this graciously. It was an Italian restaurant and the food was sumptuous. I enjoyed it but ate rather sparingly. Jay, in contrast had an enormous appetite. We had starters, and then a glorious beef dish accompanied by a fine bottle of red wine.
At one point the waitress began flashing Jay a flirty smile. I felt my face flush. I was surprised at my level of jealousy. Jay did smile back at her, but only in concise politeness; and then, bless him; he gave me his full smile and briefly held my hand.
He looked so handsome in his crisp button down white shirt. I was aware that a few women dining there gave him a distinct look, so to speak. I thought to myself that someone might think I was his Aother or Aunt or something. I told him this, which made him laugh.
After the meal we ordered coffee and brandy and chatted some. I asked Jay about his career in the Navy and the
When I’d made love with him this afternoon I had noticed, what appeared to my untrained eye, to be two healed-up bullet wound scars in his left thigh. I do vaguely remember his Aunt, my neighbour, Cathy, telling me about her visiting her nephew Jay in a military hospital one time. I’d have though it more usual for those serving in the Army rather than the Navy to have such wounds. Again though, I figured if he wanted to tell me about his experiences then he would in his own time.
When we returned to my house, and Jay had paid the taxi driver, I poured us both a large glass of brandy. We sat on the settee, sipped some, and kissed; then I took Jay’s hand and led him upstairs. Inside my bedroom we fell lightly onto the bed. I was feeling horny; I wanted his hands on me and his cock deep in me. Yet, I wanted somehow to prolong the feeling of expectation, while he, young and eager, was obviously aroused and ready for action, as it were; his penis was straining hard against his trousers, forming a funny, but at the same time sexy, tent shape.
Although he was clean and smelt wonderful, I asked Jay to go into my shower, and to "get fresh please young man, before you get sweaty and dirty with me." Although he looked reluctant, he went. I wanted a few minutes alone.
I stripped naked and for once was brave enough to look into my full-length mirror. I felt amazing, desired, and confident. I was glad I was active and exercised regularly. Yes, my big breasts did hang lower than in my youth, and my tummy was gently rounded instead of flat; but I still felt good. Hell, I looked good.
I’ve been blessed with good skin, and although I’d no doubt be considered about fifteen to twenty pounds overweight by a body fascist, I was happy with my shape. Above my full hips my sides did curve in to make a long shallow ‘C’ shape up to under my arms, and I have always been proud of my quite long, shapely legs, which were tanned by summers days spent outside in my garden. My bottom is quite large but it is fairly firm.
Contrary to fashion, I’ve always kept a very full thick bush above my vagina. I like its look and feel. My late husband Alan loved it, and so does my young lover, Jay.
For myself more so than Jay, I slipped on a pair of loose black silk panties; I loved the feel of the silk on my skin, and I put on black suspenders and black stockings. I touched up the make-up on my face and put on more lipstick. I pushed my boobs into a brief black semi-transparent wonder bra. My God, they did look enormous and high like that. My nipples were jutting out hard in anticipation. I grew impatient for Jay to return from the shower; I longed for another ‘Sweet Surrender.’
I walked towards the shower. Behind the curtain I could see his young body in silhouette. He was so athletic; being slim but broad-shouldered. He moved sideways, and the horny young guy was sporting a very big erection. Mmmmmmmmm.
I returned to my bedroom and idly traced around my clitoris with my fingers. I was getting wet with anticipation now. I heard the shower noise stop, and resisted the temptation to go and dry him myself.
After a very long minute, Jay returned to my bedroom. He was dry except for his hair, which looked damp and was sticking up slightly. There was a wonderful fresh scrubbed, clean aroma coming from him. Jay was totally naked; his toned body and long limbs were tanned and beautiful. As he walked towards me, his half-erect cock swayed from side to side; I saw his body’s muscles work easily beneath his skin. His grey-blue eyes met mine and he smiled.
He stood in front of me, tall and commanding. I reached up and placed my arms around his neck and we met in a kiss. Our tongues explored each others mouths. He ran his hands up and down my sides, from beneath my arms to my knees. His touch was electric. Then he kneeled and slid my silk panties down and off my feet. He left the suspenders and stockings alone.
"Wow," he said, "you are just so beautiful, Mrs K."
"Well thank-you young man," I repied, in mock politeness.
He called me Mrs K from time to time, instead of Hazel. I just knew he found the age gap between us a turn-on. If he wanted to play up to me being his senior to heighten his thrills, then that’s fine with me. For my part, having sex with such a younger man is both flattering and oh so enjoyable. Maybe I should feel some sense of guilt about it - he is younger than my daughters - but I don’t.
I lay back onto my bed with my legs loose over the end. Jay parts my legs wide. He inhales audibly and deeply, and then his warm tongue and mouth dance over the folds of my pussy. Lord, I’m wet and writhing lightly immediately. I run my fingers in his hair as he zones in on my clit. I feel as though I am almost on fire. His strong hands unclip my bra, and then his fingers roll my nipples; which are both hard and sensitive.
My head feels giddy in the best of ways. It is the blood rushing around my pussy and my breasts no doubt. I feel my torso shudder, and I cum; I flow; his greedy mouth stealing the juice from my pussy. He frees his mouth from between my legs, rises above me and kisses me. The taste merely heightens my inflamed senses. His cock, almost iron hard and warm, presses against the valley between my now nearly closed, soft, inner thighs.
He’s kissing me deeply; his tongue is clever and teasing. I revel in the feel of his strong body moving against mine. I feel strangely simultaneously both fragile yet powerful under him. I feel so desired, so sexy knowing I can make this young man want me so: I will have his big cock deep inside of me; I will make him cum and pump his seed in my body.
I break the embrace and kiss my way down over his muscled chest and flat, firm stomach. I want his manhood. I just love the smell of his big cock; there is a sexy soap clean and sweet aroma. I start by licking his full balls.
"Ahhh," he almost cries out in delighted fashion. "Fuck Hazel, that is so good."
I then suck on each testicle in turn, then take his shaft in my hand. God, he’s big. I lick and kiss the veins pulsing the blood to his cock’s head. Then my lips cover the head. I taste the tang of his pre-cum. I let my lips close over the swollen, mushroom like end. My tongue dances around it. Jay is moaning now:
"Hmmm, Ahhh, Ohhh."
Now I draw more cock into my mouth, I suck him hard. His prick is magnificent. It is both thick and long. Jay swears now, and begins moving in and out of my lips. My mouth is being fucked, and I love it. Just as I am aware of my breathing being constricted, I feel a massive pulse in his cock, and he shoots his seed in me. The tang of his cum assails my taste buds, and I swallow deep, drawing that nectar into my belly.
Mrs. K feasted on my cum; she sucked it down and then licked the remainder of the end of my cock. As I pulled my cock free she held it and gently pulled it back to her mouth, and sucked hard for a few seconds more, then gave me just the most killer big smile.
"I love your cum, Jay," she almost purred.
"Any time you like be my guest, anyyyyyy time," I replied.
"I want the next load elsewhere though," she said, and rubbed the full bush above her pussy, giving another huge grin. She was getting freer in her talk and expressions; more overtly confident in her sexuality. That was a big turn-on.
Having been ‘sucked dry,’ temporarily at least, it was surely now only the polite thing to do to return the favour again. Considering that Hazel has a very long silky pink-red pussy, a sensitive prominent clit and a really wonderful taste inside her vaginal walls, all beneath a lustrous full dark bush, it was the kind of chore I’d tackle willingly any day of the week, or minute in an hour, second in a minute, whatever. Put basically, she just had the kind of a cunt that draws a mouth.
I lick all around Hazel’s long pink-red slit. I love every fold. I tease her big sensitive clit with my tongue. Eating this fine lady quickly gives me another erection. I slide in and fuck Hazel’s pussy from the side as she raises one leg in the air. She loves this. She is sooooooooo wet.
Hazel then athletically moves her position and rides on top of me. I hold her big hanging, swaying breasts as she eases up and down on my cock. She is also using her cunt muscles to squeeze and hold my cock from time to time. I raise my thrusts to meet hers; a curious and wonderful stop start rhythm ensues. Hazel rides my length easy and slow, then fast and hard. I catch a nipple from her swinging breasts in my mouth and suck it.
Mrs K comes. Her chest and face flush a vivid red. I feel her body’s intensity. I want to cum now. I want to spread my seed in her silky, beautiful cunt. There is, though, somewhere else I need to cum in more. She is spent and exhausted. I lift her off of me and she lies beside me. I kiss her and hold her tight; I can feel the pounding, then gradually subsiding, of her heart’s beat.
With mock politeness, I ask, "can I have a play with your wonderful big ass sweet-heart?"
"Most certainly dear, enjoy yourself," Hazel giggles out in reply.
Again I’m reminded of how her voice gets girlish when sexually aroused; it’s most affecting.
Hazel assumes a position: she gets on all fours and sticks those big buns right out. The fullness and firmish roundness of her buttocks surely is a fine sight to behold. Her hands spread her cheeks to show off her anus. For the second time my chest tightens at the glorious sight of her wrinkled, puckered ring……. Fucking fantastic. Her asshole is presented as an offering.
I quickly dash into her washroom. There are various creams and medicinal items in a wall cabinet. Among them I find some odourless gel. I return with some of it on my fingers. Down on the bed again I slip a finger in her anus and lube it. I drop down onto one knee so as to get my mouth to it at the optimum angle. I smell her unique smell; a very feint but attractive musky aroma, then raise my tongue and draw an ‘O’ around it, all the while pressing firmly. I’m eager as hell, but at the same time endeavouring to savour these moments.
Hazel gives out a murmur, almost a deep purring sound. I widen her hole slightly with my thumbs, and then ease my tongue inside, very, very slowly. I lap her; stroking inside her ass with my tongue; the taste and sense I receive is gorgeous, and I am aware that my cock is pulsing, and I know it is releasing sticky pre-cum. While I enjoy this feast I very lightly trace around the outline of her clit with my right index finger, my left thumb goes under her to her mouth; she sucks it greedily.
Her asshole is relaxed and when I eventually withdraw my tongue it gapes open for a second. Illusory, perhaps, but her anus appears once to wink at me. I rise onto my knees, lean forward and whisper into her ear:
"Sweetheart, I want to make love to your beautiful ass."
"It’s yours baby, but be gentle," she replies, her voice betrays a mixture of anticipation and a tiny bit of anxiety.
I line myself up; the pulsing head of my cock presses against her ring, and I press steadily. The head enters the muscled anus and I slide on gently, through her lubed, tight tunnel. I push on very slowly, until my cock is balls deep inside her. Whether Hazel has been ass-fucked before I really do not know, but she certainly responds. Initially her body goes taught, but as I hold still in her, it relaxes.
"Sweet surrender," she purrs, "Jay, lover, take your throne."
At this I slide back slowly until the glans of my cock-head meets the sphincter, then I ease back in and fuck with as much restraint and tenderness as I can muster. Each part of my penis feels as though it is being squeezed by a cunning, slightly moist velvet glove. The feeling is just so delicious.
I’ve screwed a few young women in their asshole before. I’ve had rounded bottoms and slim waists in my hands, and relished the taper of their hips and the shudders and trembles of their bodies as I’ve watched and felt my cock pump in and out of their tight sphincters. I’ve revelled in their sighs of contentment and occasional gasps as pleasure and pain engulfs them. I’ve shot waves of cum in them and even on occasion had them beg me do it again, but never in my life have I ever felt as intense a pleasure as here, as this glorious creature; this mature, curvy, busty, big-bottomed lady writhes and groans in unadulterated pleasure at my pounding.
Hazel moves to meet my thrusts as the pace rises up a gear. My penis seems to me more than a mere physical organ; it is the outlet of all power and pent up physical and emotional desire.
"Your cock feels so good lover," Hazel gasps out. Her breathing is ragged, and I am aware that her fingers are entering her pussy and rubbing around her prominent clit as we screw on.
I lightly spank one of her full butt-cheeks. Then again, slightly harder. I grab her generous wide hips firmly. Hazel groans. Now I am ramming my cock in hard and fast, balls deep on every stroke; riding that big rounded ass.
All the frustrations, angers and fears that I had felt in the last few months are being released as I fuck that fine ass deep and hard, and it feels great. Mrs. K shudders beneath me and with a probing hand I feel her cum; juice flows from her cunt. The tips of my fingers are damp with her fluid and I taste them…. delicious. I feel hypersensitivity in my whole body, as if it is electrically charged.
Slamming away with total and utter abandon, my forehead flowing sweat, I feel the rush begin way back up behind my balls; deep in my body. I erupt. Just as I feel the first cum flow from me I very fleetingly have a brief moment of semi-consciousness, the ‘small death,’ which occurs all too rarely.
Now I come in waves.
"Fuck, fuck," I’m virtually screaming, "fuck it, fuck it, FUCK!"
My cock spurts white nectar into Hazel’s bowels.
I lay still with my chest gently touching Hazel’s back for a while, and I feel my cock soften, though not entirely. When I withdraw from her there is a crude audible "plop" sound. I lie beside Hazel, and kiss her mouth quickly. She pulls my head back and slips her tongue deep inside my mouth. Her kiss is firm, harsh almost; she then pulls back her tongue and bites my bottom lip hard enough for me to be aware, via a coppery taste, that she has drawn blood. It stings a bit but feels kind of good. My spent body rushes blood to my muscles and I feel a good warm glow all over my body, the kind you also get after a work-out when you are in good shape.
While I had been riding Hazel I had been fleetingly aware of various family pictures on the wall. Now I looked at them with interest. There was Hazel with her husband at various stages of their life together, and photographs of children of different ages. I remember her telling me that she had two married daughters and a son away at university.
On her dressing table were pictures showing her daughters on their wedding days and between them two of her son. In one Hazel and he were arm in arm together, both smiling broadly, and in the other he was clad only in a tight pair of Speedo swimming trunks, with a surf-board under his arm. He was tanned and wet; muscular and young. This photograph was larger than the others beside it, and had been placed slightly forward of them. My mind raced.
To be continued..........
On the Monday I spent another rather boring day at the college trying to get to grips with the spoken Arab language. To be honest, I could hardly concentrate at all; my mind was full of the great sex I’d had with Mrs. K the day before, and the delightful thoughts I had imagining my next time with her, which was thankfully to be that very evening.
Try as I may at my task, my head was just filled with thoughts of her: her charming warm personality, the way she made me totally and utterly relaxed, and her full, ripe mature body, those big heavy breasts topped with massive nipples, her soft creamy skin, her full round ass. But, maybe most attractive of all was her huge sexuality. I was enchanted by her; totally enveloped physically and mentally in our affair. With her, I was experiencing a level of sexual hunger and fulfilment that I would have previously thought impossible.
I’d guessed she may be in her early fifties (I thought it perhaps impolite to ask), due to the age of her children and the way she related some of her life experiences when we talked; bands in concerts and festivals she had attended, films she has seen at the cinema with her deceased husband, tales of her youth etc. But, while she may be the best part of thirty years older than me, and two of her three children my senior, she was very fit and toned. In fact, she was just about the sexiest woman I had ever set my eyes on, let alone bedded.
Sometimes, via her conservative, lady-like dress sense and use of language, I thought she deliberately accentuated and exaggerated the age gap between us. I believed this was because she felt as much of a thrill fucking a man young enough to be her son as I did screwing a much older mature lady. It was just that air of forbidden fruit, the sense that there was something naughty, at the least unconventional, in two people such as us making love. It was such a delicious feeling.
Mid afternoon I left the college and returned to my aunt’s house. By the time I showered and changed clothes it was 3.30, which seemed to me a frustratingly long time from the
I debated doing some work, reading, exercising or surfing the net for a while, but lust got the better of me. “What the hell,” I said to myself, “Let’s see what Mrs. K’s up to right now.”
I’d seen her car parked in her drive on my way back, so knew that she was in. I only hoped she was alone. As I went to knock on her front door I heard music playing quite loudly, it appeared to be coming from the back of the house.
Instead of knocking I walked down the side path following the song, I think it was an early nineteen-seventies soul song, maybe by Isaac Hayes. She loved that kind of music. Now at the back of the property, I looked through a window into a utility room and saw Mrs. K ironing a blouse. She was also moving her full hips in time to the music and silently mouthing some of the words. The sight made me kind of laugh and smile at the same time.
I knocked hard on the window and she appeared momentarily startled, before she noticed me, opened a door for me and smiled with both her mouth and her beautiful, deep brown eyes. We shared a warm greeting and short kiss before we moved inside. It was another warm day and she was barefooted, and wearing a loose pair of shorts and one of my short denim shirts. She had no make-up on and her curled dark hair was tied up. But anyway, she looked just beautiful to me. She had obviously been out in the sun earlier as her skin had a freshly tanned look, and best of all, I had caught her not wearing a bra, which was obvious as her large breasts hung slightly low in a very alluring way, and between the buttonholes of the shirt at chest height I could see exposed flesh. From the pile of washing she was ironing a lacy white bra was obviously next in line.
“Oh Jay, just look at me,” she laughed out more then spoke, “I’m hardly a glamorous sight.”
My cock was stirring rapidly, and I felt my face getting warm. “Don’t be silly,” I replied, “Mrs. K you look just fantastic, good enough to eat.”
“Well young man, is that a statement or an offer?” “And,” she said in a mock stern voice, “For the last time, call me Hazel!”
“Ok Mrs errr Hazel,” I teased, “It’s an offer, and it’s a request, and I can beg well if I have to.”
Mrs. K laughed, and then looked down at my crotch; the swell in my jeans was obvious.
“Well Jay, you should know that as a girl I was given some advice, which was basically to keep a ‘suitor’ at a slight distance, so as both not to appear ‘easy’ and to raise the expectation level for later if so desired. Perhaps (she was in teasing mood again), in the modern vernacular, an element of what you may loosely translate as ‘treat them mean to keep them keen.’ Fortunately for you, I have always considered that advice to be complete rubbish and thus ignore it. Now Jay, would you be so kind as to remove all of your clothes immediately to let me feast my eyes upon your magnificent youthful body please?”
I did as requested, probably in about three seconds. Mrs. K’s face was illuminated by just the huge salacious grin as she beckoned me towards her.
We kissed deeply and hungrily, our tongues rolled and wrestled together as I tasted her sweet warm breath. Her hands ruffled my hair then slowly and sensually, lightly scrolled down my back before resting on my butt cheeks, which she kneaded firmly, almost as though she was working bread dough. She loved my ass.
Still kissing, I removed a hair clip, letting her dark curls fall free and unbuttoned her shirt and then eased it off her. Her magnificent breasts pressed softly against my skin… so warm… so wonderful. The massive nipples were firm and hugely distended.
Mrs. K then curled a hand between my legs and tenderly squeezed my full balls. I replied by slipping her shorts and panties down her full creamy thighs and eased my fore and middle fingers through her very lush dark pubic bush, pressed on her prominent clit then slipped them into her mature pussy. She was very, very wet. I just had to then put the fingers in my mouth, breaking our kiss, to taste her unique and wonderful juices.
She then stepped back a pace, and her deep eyes glinted fleetingly and almost wickedly before she knelt down and, holding it firmly at the base, eased several inches of my big hard tool into her clever, full-lipped cunning mouth. I stroked her head and she made eye-contact with me as she sucked steadily, alternating with rolling her tongue all around the head and opening of my cock-eye.
I heard my breathing rasp out loud. I can only describe this as blow-job heaven. I watched and felt this mature beauty taste my leaking clear pre-cum, and lick up and down the thick vein running on the underside of my cock, before she tenderly sucked each testicle in turn as though they were precious to her. It felt as though they were being given a wonderful bath as she worked them with her tongue.
I felt a familiar tension build up beep in my stomach.
“Hazel, I’m gonna cum, gonna shoot sweetheart,” I warned.
Her mouth left my balls for a second. “Do it for me baby,” she almost pleaded, before holding my dick with both hands. The cock-head was about 1 inch from her open mouth and aimed at it.
“Awwwwww, awwwwww, I almost screamed, hearing a deep rasp to my voice in the second before waves of my thick creamy cum exploded into her mouth. I was giddy and almost unsteady on my feet. As I blew out the last of my load I watched her. She was gamely sucking cum back into her throat, although an amount had seeped out of the side of her mouth and was slowly going south. Some dripped onto her big soft breasts, forming a semi-transparent 1 inch circle, which glistened like a jewel as the afternoon sun beamed its illuminating rays upon it. Mrs. K rubbed it into her skin as though it was a precious moisturiser.
There was a silence permeating the room for several long seconds. I broke it. “Wow Hazel, you are one fine lady. Thank-you.”
“Baby,” she replied, coughing slightly no doubt with some of the cum still in her throat, “Believe me, the pleasure was mine.” Then she licked her lips.
In this utility room were also a couple of large freezers and a washing machine. I moved across to the washing machine, set in on a slow spin cycle and switched it on.
“What are you doing Jay?” Mrs. K asked. “You will soon find out Hazel,” I replied.
I walked across to her and picked her up from the waist and sat her on top of the machine. It was about 3 feet high. She placed her hands behind her so as to be balanced, and its gentle vibrations made the flesh around her upper thighs, hips and especially her big breasts jiggle around both comically and sexily. I laughed out loud at this while she looked somewhat bemused.
I found a small cushion whose cover was on the pile of ironing, and slipped it under her firm large butt for her to sit on for comfort, and to raise her for better access for what I intended. After a few seconds I knelt and asked her to: “Spread your legs wide please mam?”
She did, and I was presented with the delightful sight of her very long silky pink-red pussy, which was moist and glimmering. It was also releasing a most delightful aromatic aroma. I started licking up and down the length of her folds, before I settled my tongue on her prominent clit, and pressing, firmly rolled that sweet bud in circular motions, tracing shapes like I was writing the alphabet or numbers on it. I coupled this by slipping three fingers very deep into her pussy and probed all around her wonderful inner cavity.
Being highly sensual, as usual Hazel soon started leaking more pussy juice as I worked at this most enjoyable of tasks, and my efforts twinned with the vibrations of the washing machine brought her off delightfully. Soon her breathing was ragged and loud and as I had noticed before when she was aroused, her voice sounded far more girlish than it usually did. Soon she was moaning in a high pitched voice, clenching her buttocks and rising up and down rapidly as her orgasm ran through her.
I stood up and kissed her mouth then her large breasts, taking time to feed and feast on those delightful huge nipples. The pale skin of her breast was flushed a vivid pink.
I stood back a pace and she looked down at my cock, which was hard and literally pulsing. She said nothing but nodded.
I moved forward. The height of the washing machine was perfect for me to penetrate her standing up. I kissed her forehead, told her she was: “Wonderful and sexy,” wrapped my arms around the back of her shoulders and in one fluid movement slid my 8” cock balls deep inside her silky moist pink-red pussy.
“Oh baby, that’s beautiful,” she exclaimed passionately and shuddered as I began to fuck her with steady, slow, deep strokes.
We made out this way for a long pleasurable time. Mrs. K was loving it, her pussy was just so wet and warm. Her face wore a huge satisfied grin, which alternated with her lips pouting and opening from time to time as we shared kisses.
I fiddled with a dial on the washing, which sent the spin cycle from slow to fast.
“Wow, yikes, arghhhh, God, God, God,” she cried out as the now very rapid and shuddering vibrations bounced her beautiful ass around and I slammed away as fast as I could, ploughing my cock in and out of her like a piston at a great speed. For one moment she fleetingly lost her balance and I had to lurch forward quickly and help hold her steady. I remained gripping her firmly and closely as I continued slamming away with utter abandon, as beads of perspiration rolled down my face.
Mrs. K was shuddering from inside now in addition to being jiggled around by my pounding and the harsh vibrations of the washing machine. She was making an almost purring sound, as I felt her cum. This set me off and I shot my seed deep inside that beautiful cunt.
I turned the machine off and we hugged and leant against each other, and steadily caught our breath.
“God Jay baby, I’ve never done anything like that before in my life,” she said.
I was going to ask her if she enjoyed it, but declined stating the obvious for once. Instead I said, “Well, we’ll have to try that again; I could sit on it and you could sit on top of me. We could make love like that Hazel, hey, maybe you could even let me slip my cock up your gorgeous asshole like that my beautiful lady?”
“Maybe indeed Jay,” she replied, “and that will certainly be fun, but not now young man. For one thing I am totally and utterly exhausted and for another my, as you like to call it, asshole, is sore after your ministrations last night.”
With that I helped Mrs. K down. She actually had a problem standing let alone walking, as her legs had in her words, “Temporarily turned to jelly.”
With my help she got to the bathroom. I ran the taps for a couple of minutes, got us a bottle of red wine and two glasses and then we lay in the bath together soaking up the soothing water, drinking and chatting. Now fully refreshed, Mrs. K suggested we get out and get dressed, and go out for the meal as we had planned earlier. I agreed wholeheartedly, I was now starving.
However, this was not to be. Half way through dressing her magnificent body, the phone rang. Mrs. K didn’t say much, but mainly listened, and there was some degree of concern painted across her face. The conversation ran for several minutes, before she ended it, saying, quite briskly, “Ok, bye then, I’ll pick you up in about forty minutes.”
She looked disappointed. “Are you ok Hazel?” I asked. “Um yes I’m fine,” she said unconvincingly. “But I’m sorry Jay; we will have to cancel tonight. It’s my son Steven, it seems he has been expelled from his university today, and been removed from his halls of residence too. The fool of a boy has been caught in a university office trying to steal exam papers!” “He’s on a train now, coming home, I said I’d pick him up.”
With this any outer display of nonchalance fell away and two huge tears formed in the deep pools of her soulful brown eyes and ran down her finely sculpted cheekbones.
I didn’t know what to say, she was clearly very upset. I held her tight and stroked her neck and face lightly. Soon she took a deep breath and stood up; a fixed determined look now on her face.
“I’ll ring you later Jay, I really am sorry about this.”
I told her she had nothing to apologise for, wished her well, and kissed her before I made to leave. As I reached the front door, she hurried beside me. “Jay baby,” she said, “just tell me it won’t affect us badly if Steven stays with me a while?” She looked upset again.
“No Hazel, no way, you’re not getting rid of me easily,” I replied. She smiled and we kissed. Inappropriate as it may have been at that moment, I could not resist running my hands over her magnificent backside before we parted.
My initial disappointment and sadness at my son Steven had changed into something approaching anger by the time I met him at the train station. At least he had the grace to appear somewhat crestfallen in his demeanour, apologising to me. But as I told him, it was not me he need feel sorry for, he was now, at nineteen, legally an adult and it was his future he was jeopardising not mine.
I did, though, demand an explanation of what had happened. It seemed that at this end of the first year of his degree course (he wanted to be an architect) he needed to achieve a good mark in his last exam to avoid having to re-sit the first year. He was clever and had always achieved well academically before, so this surprised me.
I questioned him on this and he admitted that he had become extremely lazy, preferring to spend his time in the student bars and sports facilities rather then studying, and had failed to submit previous coursework on time and had thus been marks penalised. A friend of his had been in a similar situation, and when they had learned where the exam papers were being kept, they decided to take them, photocopy and return them so that they were forewarned what they needed to know. They stole them from an office and returned them with no problem, but were caught by a security camera, and apparently dealt with humiliatingly. I had little sympathy.
I asked him what he was intending to do now. He replied that he firstly wanted to earn some money to go surfing later in the summer with his friends in Newquay,
By the time we had returned home, I was more sympathetic to him. He seemed genuinely sorry for his mistakes, and was ready to move on. Besides, I never could be hard on him for any length of time; since he was a young child, he had always been able to win me round with a shy smile and a shrug of the shoulders, an ability he still seemingly retained. We had always had a very close bond between us, and were quite physical in our affection; hugging on the sofa, laughing together as we watched comedy shows and films on television, and even sharing tears in the sad period of my husband’s fatal illness.
Over the next few days, I also noticed how more mature he appeared in his physical appearance. He seemed to have lost some weight in recent months, giving his face a more sculpted look, which coupled with his tall frame and warm blue eyes made him a very handsome young man. Steven sometimes seemed to almost be ‘eyeing’ me up; looking at me in a slightly lustful way. It was nothing blatant, just small things. I’d look in a mirror and he would be behind me, appearing to be staring at my bottom, or I would be talking to him and his gaze would sometimes drop to my breasts, he also seemed keen to hug me tightly when he greeted me in the morning or bade me goodnight. I fleetingly thought that he must be becoming very popular with girls of his age, and that perhaps another reason his studies had gone wrong were that he was enjoying an active sex life with them. In truth, this thought made me feel both jealous and simultaneously aroused. This reflection seemed to recur often in the next few days.
I didn’t, at this stage, feel like sharing with Steven the fact that I was having an affair with a young man only slightly older then himself. And although I continued my marvellous relationship with Jay, we were more discrete. Sometimes we met in Jay’s aunt’s house, two times we enjoyed wonderful liaisons in a local hotel, and on one memorable occasion we had a picnic in a remote country beauty spot, and afterwards shared delightful sex on a the rug I laid on the ground.
These were glorious summer days. My young lover and I enjoyed such a blissful physical element to our relationship. I was so lucky to have found a virile young man to explore my sexuality with. Oh, and how I enjoyed it! I loved stroking and caressing his strong muscular body and kissing his soft full lipped mouth. I revelled in cupping then sucking his testicles, and teasing the head of his cock before I slipped most of it into my throat and slurped on it like it was a giant lollipop. I bathed in ecstasy as he manipulated my clitoris with his fingers and tongue and stroked the inner walls of my pussy with his clever fingers. I even liked him rimming my ass, before he lubed it and gently and tenderly screwed it with long slow strokes, before spreading his warm seed deep in my bowels. I loved to drink his cum while he orgasmed with his erect pulsing member pressing down upon my tongue. Most of all I cherished every single time he penetrated me with his beautiful weapon, whether from above me, from the side, behind me, standing or with me on top; that was the best: being ridden long and slow, fast and hard, gently or roughly, with sweet tender words being spoken, or crude lustful swear words almost shouted as my orgasms wracked through my body and my juices wetted and coated him as we made love. I climaxed every time, before he would blast powerful waves of his cum in my inner walls. It was sexual bliss. Although it was blatantly morally wrong, sometimes when we were apart, I began to mix Jay and Steven together in my dreams and daytime fantasies. It was as though they were becoming intertwined as one person in my inner psyche.
After over a week or so of being home, and apparently trying, Steven still had not found any employment, so I assisted him by contacting Derek, an old friend of myself and my late husband, who ran a small building company, and asked if he had any work for Steven. Derek did, but explained it was very demanding manual work. Steven would mainly be carrying hods of bricks up ladders or digging trenches, but, although unused to these kinds of tasks, he was young, fit and strong and should be able to handle it ok.
During is first working day, I tried to do some research for Steven on the Internet, looking for likely courses he could apply for. Infuriatingly, while I was engaged in this, my quite new computer then crashed and would not reboot properly. I knew Jay was quite knowledgeable about computers. I rang him on his mobile phone to ask for help but it was switched off, so I left a message asking him to come over and help me when he had finished at college.
When Steven returned home he looked exhausted. He flopped down in a chair in the kitchen.
“Mum, today nearly killed me, I was lifting for hours,” he said, rubbing at his arms.
I fixed some food and joined him at the table. “It’s ok son, your body will get used to it in a day or two.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right Mum, and at least the wages Derek said he will pay me will be enough to me to be able to afford to go surfing in a few weeks.”
Steven gave a satisfied grin at the thought, and then looked up at me. “Mum remember how you used to give Dad massages when his back hurt sometimes after he had played golf or had been working in the garden? He always used to say you had magic hands.”
“Yes he did Steven,” I replied, smiling at the memory.
“Well Mum, can you give me one of your massages to help ease my aching back please?”
I was uneasy at the way he said this. He looked at me slightly lasciviously, almost lecherously.
“Look Steven, you go and have a long hot shower, that should ease some of your aches and pains,” I suggested. He nodded a reluctant agreement then left for the bathroom.
I sat at the kitchen table, picking at my meal. I debated the situation with myself. Was my son trying to subtly make some kind of a move on me, using the massage as a subterfuge, even some sort of code? Or was this just a case of him wanting some relief. I determined not to be cynical about it and that if he was still in physical discomfort, I would try and help him out.
Despite the shower, Steven really did seem extremely keen for a massage. “Mum, my back hurts very badly, my arms ache and have lost strength, and my legs are giving me severe pain. My neck feels kind of cramped and sore too,” he complained.
I remember thinking that if that was the case, it was surprising he was able to move at all. He was sounding like a person who had been involved in a serious car accident rather than a fit young man who had done one day of manual work. I decided, though, to keep this thought to myself and to try and help him out. After all, what kind of mother refuses her son help in an hour of need?
I asked Steven to go into his bedroom, while I went and found some massage oil, which I warmed quickly in the microwave oven. When I returned he was facing away from me. He had taken his T-shirt off, and I noticed that his musculature was far more developed than I remember from a holiday we had in
On hearing me enter the room, Steven turned around and smiled. The way his lips curled up and the warmth in his blue eyes reminded me of my late husband Alan. I then noticed his stomach was now a smooth flat six-pack. I suddenly felt quite flushed in the face.
I must have appeared so too, as Steven asked, “Mum are you ok?”
“Yes dear, I’m fine,” I replied, not sounding in the least bit convincing.
“Ok, it’s just that you look a bit red in the face,” he said. “Oh, and shall I take my jeans off so you can massage my legs too?”
“Oh, ummm, yes,” I stuttered. I was getting a bit flustered.
Steven stooped and pulled his jeans off. He was left wearing only a rather tight black pair of Calvin Klein boxer shorts, which looked rather gorgeous on him. He lay face down on his bed and moved so as to be comfortable and I knelt with my knees outside his on the bed. I squirted a generous amount of the massage oil on my hands and began working on him.
Firstly, I worked on his neck and the muscles that connect it to the shoulders. He felt quite tight and bunched, but as I pressed firmly and worked the soothing liquid into them they seemed to relax and soften. Steven was certainly pleased. “Oh that’s great Mum, you’ve got a lovely touch.”
Next I placed my hands both side of his spine and worked up and down his back, from the neck to the top of his shorts. Then I just generally probed the larger muscles nearer his shoulders. From time to time Steven would emit contented sighing sounds, and I was pleased to help him. Yes, I was still annoyed about his university expulsion, but at least he was endeavouring to get onto a fresh course, and was prepared to do a day’s hard labour to earn his way in the world. And then there was the fact that I found massaging him so enjoyable. He had such beautiful hard young flesh.
After probably 15-20 minutes attending to his back, I applied some oil to the rear of his legs. His calf muscles were particularly tight so I firmly kneaded them which seemed to help judging by Steven’s continuing sighs. The upper rear parts of his legs were also somewhat tense, so I worked oil in quite firmly. I began to find the action of massaging him quite hypnotic.
“Mum,” Steven said in a relaxed friendly way, breaking my reverie, “That’s great, but if I take the shorts off you can get to the top of the muscles there, which are sore and you haven’t reached yet.”
“Yes, certainly son, you do that,” I found myself saying almost automatically. Only a second after I had spoken this did I realise what that entailed: my beautiful young son being totally naked with me massaging his body!
Well, at this realisation I felt quite shocked. My face burned and there was some tightness in my chest. Was this appropriate? Should I end this massage now? For a few moments I debated with myself, before deciding that this ‘was’ only a massage, and that we were two adults, albeit mother and son.
As Steven turned on his side to remove his shorts I deliberately looked at the bottle, avoiding him. He quickly resumed his position, and I spread some more oil in my palms. I knelt over him again. ‘Oh my God,’ his buns were gorgeous: tight, smooth, beautiful. For a while I just stared at his beauty. I was wet now; I could feel juice moving in and from my pussy and begin the process of soaking my panties; my clit throbbed. I knew right there and then I had lost control, and I didn’t care. ‘Guilt,’ I said to myself, ‘Screw it.’
Steven’s legs were pressed together, meaning I couldn’t see his testicles or penis, which was a shame, and something I would have to rectify soon. I couldn’t resist teasing him a bit, realising he blatantly knew exactly what he was doing. Aching body indeed!
I rubbed and very lightly spanked one taught gorgeous smooth buttock and leant my mouth close to his ear. “Are you ok son?” I asked in a deliberately wanton way. “Ohhh, yes Mum, yes,” he replied, making no attempt to disguise his pleasure.
I moved my hands all over those sweet, firm rounded globes, revelling in the sight and feel of his beautiful ass, which reminded me of a carved Greek statue. The oil I applied made a delightful sheen; he was glistening; those buns looked edible.
I knelt and planted some kisses on his cheeks. I then licked them, sucked them and lightly bit them as I slipped a hand under my skirt, inside my drenched panties and pushed down on my pulsing clit.
Then I broke my mouth worship of his butt, and moved my face up to kiss the back of his neck, before gently blowing in his ear. Steven turned his head and pouted his lips. We kissed softly and gently; tongue meeting tongue. I broke the kiss, “Are you ok with this Mum?” he asked. “What do you think Steven,” I replied, trying to inject some mock authority in my voice as I traced one oiled warm finger down his spine and parted his butt cheeks. I let it rest at the opening of what I discovered to be one very cute puckered anal ring. I wanted to taste him in the way Jay tasted me. I wanted to slip my tongue deep inside his tight asshole.
I moved my mouth south and resumed kissing those sculpted firm cheeks. Steven was now actually twisting on the bed. He loved this!
He shifted onto his knees a touch, making his butt rise a few inches. I took this as a cue, and spread his cheeks apart; he helped by widening his legs for me. His asshole looked just sooo beautiful; crinkly, wrinkly and puckered. I dived into it, ramming my tongue as deep inside him as I could, reaming him, licking inside and revelling in his fresh taste.
He moaned in total contentment and pleasure all the while as I slowly ate his ass. After some considerable period of time, I removed my tongue. I looked at him, and saw two beautiful smooth balls hanging slightly. His hard cock was pointing forward, almost flat against his belly.
“Turn over please Steven?” I asked him. He did, presenting me with the wonderful sight of his erect tool sticking up proudly. He was clean shaven there too. He looked fantastic.
I sat across his lower legs, and asked him, “Do you want to see my breasts son?” He nodded and smiled, and I saw his cock actually jerk up and down twice.
I’ve always been very happy with my large boobs. Despite no longer being a young woman, they are still quite firm, only hanging a small amount when released from a bra. Men seem to love my very big nipples too, and give them plenty of attention, which I love as they are extremely sensitive.
As Steven watched me intently and hungrily, I slowly unbuttoned my white blouse and discarded it; then did the same with my bra, exposing my chest to him.
Steven literally licked his lips, then leant forward and began sucking my nipples hungrily; almost frantically. In a muffled voice he exclaimed, “I love you Mum, you’re the best.”
“I love you too, and want you to cum for me Steven,” I told him, trying to instil some authority in my voice. I picked up the massage oil bottle and squirted some on his right palm. “Son, let me see you cum.”
He leant back and worked his oiled hand around his rock hard cock, crudely pumping it a few times before shouting out, “Yes Mum, yesssssssss,” as strings of cum shot from the pulsing swollen head and sprayed onto my breasts.
I scooped some on my fingers and tasted it. Yummmmm, it was sumptuous. I then began rubbing the thick cream into my breasts. Steven joined in too and we met in a passionate kiss… and then someone began to open the bedroom door!
Until my last birthday I classed myself as being a very normal heterosexual. I look at myself as being a curvaceous girl, not unattractive but more like the girl next door, I'm no porn star where looks are concerned. As you know dear Journal I've had several boyfriends, some have been great in bed, some not. I've had ones that have treated me like a young lady but others well it's questionable…
What I really enjoyed thoroughly was heated sexual moments, I loved it when the guy would get really physical and our sex would be heated, not just a wham bam thank you ma'am type of hot sex. Dear Journal, I'm only nineteen and in such a short period of time I have really come to love hot cocks and men, well so I thought, until just recently when I visit my friends in the country...
It was my nineteenth birthday and with my family away overseas on business, I was invited to a friend's home in the country for a week. You know lots of fresh air because it gets the hormones raging and the heart racing. There is one thing in life I love and that is hot sex. When I arrived at my friends country retreat there were about twenty of us and I was very lucky to have the room with a view. Of course I was stirred cause I didn't bring one of the guys along with me but I pointed out I could have more fun without one.
Dear Journal on the second night of "the gathering" Kathy and her boyfriend had a huge fight and it wasn't a very nice time for any of us. I ended up inviting her to sleep in my room and being as I had a double bed and only me in it we could share… Kathy had offered to sleep on the floor but as I pointed out, we were both females and both adults… She finally agreed and we were able to help her settle in my room.
That night we stayed up talking for ages. I slipped quietly down to the lounge grabbed a bottle of bourbon, a couple of cans of coke and two glasses from the bar before heading back to our room. Kathy opened up telling me lots of things about their fights and a tonne of other stuff. I felt really sorry for her… In the end we were drinking and chatting the night away…
Suddenly it was 4 in the morning and we were both pleasantly pissed so we decided we really should get some sleep. My heart skipped a beat and I was quite surprised when she stood up, stripped off her bra and parties before climbing into her side of the bed… I smiled to myself as I removed my panties and top and climbed under the covers.
Dear Journal… I wasn't sure what happened next, I'm not sure if I had actually gone to sleep but I was shocked to find a hand stroking and caressing my ass. The feelings were nice but I remembered thinking it was wrong. We were both young girls… but I was turned on…
I felt fingers stroking the hair between my cheeks and feelings of pleasure washed over me, my legs parted slightly allowing the invading fingers to find my juicy pussy lips. Her fingers lightly played up and down my slit sending tingles of pleasure through my body. I stayed very still, my heart racing… I was confused… but I didn't want to stop her fingers but at the same time I didn't want to encourage her by rolling over.
Her fingers finally found my clit. She pressed lightly against it as it hardened beneath her fingers, I could feel my pussy throbbing as she gently caressed my knob. I moaned with pleasure at her touch dear Journal, and as I did she slipped one finger inside my hot cunt…. Kathy moved her finger in and out of my pussy and I knew then that Kathy had done this before…
Dear Journal what happened next blew me away. Kathy slid out of bed she shifted around to my side and climbed under the covers. I gasped and moaned as a tongue lapped at my pussy, gliding up and down my furry beaver before sliding between my pussy lips. I couldn't stop myself as my legs opened wider for her. Kathy latched her mouth onto my throbbing moist pussy. She licked my clit and the start of my pussy as I felt my first orgasm shooting through me, I held her head between my legs as I thrust my hips allowing her tongue to finish me off…
As my orgasm subsided dear Journal, I suddenly found myself completely sober. Kathy pulled her head from my mound between my legs looking up at me in the dark and smiled. She came up to me and tried to kiss me, but unsure what to do I turn away from her. Kathy sat back and I looked at her admiring her beauty and within minutes I knew it was right. I'd never kissed a girl before and without warning I was drawn to her. Our lips locked in a heated embrace, our tongues touching I could taste myself in her mouth and on her lips as we kissed passionately… I'd never kissed anyone like this before… it was magic…
Dear Journal, I did something I'd never done before and took the lead. My hands feeling her body, caressing her small petite breasts as I cupped them in my hands, pinching and rubbing her nipples as our tongues slid over each other. Kathy's hand slid down my body once more, her fingers sliding back into my hot cunt. I followed touching her body feeling the smoothness of her skin continuing all the way down to her clean-shaven pussy.
Deary Journal, I was nervous, I'd never touched a girl before and I keep saying this. I had never touched another girl's pussy other than my own. Kathy's pleasure centre was waiting for me and I had no idea what I was doing, but I had heard that women should know how to please another woman so I touched her, the way I would like to be fondled. I ran my fingers again over her pussy, letting my finger slip between her lips; her juices seeped out over my hand as I gently pushed against her love nest. Kathy pulled me away from her face and grabbed my hand from her pussy. I thought I had done something wrong, but instead she got up off the bed and pulled the covers off the bed.
She told me to lay down on the bed with my legs wide apart. I did as I was told thinking she was going to caress and lick my body again, but I was wrong… Kathy climbed over me and for the first time I found myself fact to face with a juicy bald beaver. It was lovely and pink, hot and wet. Within seconds Kathy buried her face between my legs, her tongue lashed out and I could feel my pussy tingle as the warm sensations set my pussy on fire.
I looked at her pussy above my face and with an urge that I had never experienced, my tongue touched her for a second. I leant forward taking in her scent, her aroma, it was a nice smell, and it was sexy and sweet. I touched her again with my tongue. Kathy jumped her body shifted back to greet my tongue. I licked her slit, tasting her juice; I found her clit and focused on it flicking it gently. Kathy pressed her pussy down onto my face and the next thing I knew I was licking her pussy faster and faster…
Suddenly my body was alive, my pussy on fire, I was bucking my hips against her mouth, she was grinding her cunt over my tongue… We were moaning together as our juices flowed, our pussies exploding in an orgasm that we would never forget.
As our bodies and minds settled we lay next to each other, touching and caressing until we slept…
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