Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Google Buzz Extension For Google Chrome

We have already shared many tips on google buzz before, we just found another extension for google chrome users which allows you to check out the latest buzzes from the people you are following you

without opening the tab which has gmail in google chrome. In order to use this extension you need to be signed into your gmail account, you don’t need to switch over to tab which has gmail interface, this extension allows you to see the latest buzzes without using gmail interface. [ as shown in the image below ]
After installing this extension in google chrome, you will see the small buzz icon in the toolbar, you just need to click the buzz icon to see the latest buzzes. This extension is still under development, right now you can see the latest buzz but cannot write a buzz but hopefully this functionality will come soon and it will also show the unread buzzes

Install Chrome Buzz [ Source Life Rocks 2.0 ]

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